Good for you Mohamed

It's a good thing you're thinking about this now, but a few years down the track you might find that the whole apostasy thing might have come out of the closest on it's own, or you might decide that living a double life yourself is too hard, etc...
Everyone else here has said that teaching your kids to think and to use their brains and develop critical thinking is important, and I totally agree with that. It is seriously the best immunization you can give them from rigid regurgitated thinking.
Critical thinking is good for pretty much every aspect of life, and helps develop emotional intellegence and empathy in kids, 'cause they learn to think through problems and how to fix them in ways that are healthier/more constructive, rather then being taught, "That's bad!"
It probably depends on how strictly your parents follow Islam, but if they don't follow it strictly, then you might be able to get away with more frequent contact and involvement in your kids lives. For some people mid-low contact with their parents work, and if you are thinking of never telling your parents about your apostasy then that could work, especially if when your parents bring up the issue as to why aren't your kids practicing islam, why aren't they doing x,y,z, or why don't they understand/ know about this that or the other, you could say, "They are young, they are still babies, let them have some fun, etc..." or, "well, I'm so busy, I don't have the time to teach them such and such."
For some people they can't go low contact, but rather cease all contact, or only contact on majour holidays, like Eid, etc... I have no contact with my parents since my apostasy come out, so there's no issue any more with the whole religion and kids thing with my parents, but when I was in contact with my parents, it was a constant issue with my parents and was very frustrating.