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 Topic: The CEMB youtube channel is back

 (Read 42998 times)
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  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #90 - February 08, 2013, 01:53 AM

    Recent comments:

    syed shahid Quadri 4 minutes ago
    First of all i wanted to F*** This Bi**h... Who Created a Hatred Video and to show the world bad about muslims.... we practice our religion so why u have a problem and we dont want our women to be naked like all the other religion specially the western do ..... we see our women's like queen... Dont play with our feelings ... allah will punish like u ppl soon In sha allah.

    And then he said:

    Go back and look at ur country america.. whats happening thr..?
    American's kill the innocent muslims all around the world and their childrens kill their own mates in schools.... no safety at all the world's unsafest country is america... if u really want o change any thing work on it and not on the country like saudi arabia which is the world's safest country alhamdulillah with the last rank in crime rate ....
    the highest rank in crime rates are usa,uk,aus...and all the west u idots...

    And also, almost 250,000 views! This video is awesome, and is giving CEMB a lot more exposure. Smiley
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #91 - February 08, 2013, 02:03 AM

    The misogynistic comments on the video are making me sick. I feel ashamed to be a part of my gender when I see this. How is it that great men, like Steve Jobs, and Christopher Hitchens die, and these oxygen thieves get to live? I wish I could give that guy a piece of my mind for calling allat a "bi**h. She doesn't deserve that.

    Hassan, nesrin, and allat have done more with their videos and posts to change my life for the better, than any "pious" Muslim ever could. My godless outlook is partly because of them by showing me that ex-Muslims exist and have a voice. What can I say? Haters gonna hate.

    I really detest how Muslims repeatedly preach that Islam uplifts women and makes them dignified, yet constantly show their inhumanity towards them when they can't take any criticism against their religion.

    Oh well. This CEMB video is outstanding and will make 250,000 views, Inshallah lol.

    Tell the bird of superstitions not to speak
    The string of reasons will tie its beak
    Even if faith comes with water of the seven seas
    It'll evaporate on the griddle of wisdom with a shriek.

     - Josh Malihabadi
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #92 - February 08, 2013, 03:00 AM

    Why is Christopher Hitchens a great man?

    Quote from: ZooBear 

    • Surah Al-Fil: In an epic game of Angry Birds, Allah uses birds (that drop pebbles) to destroy an army riding elephants whose intentions were to destroy the Kaaba. No one has beaten the high score.

  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #93 - February 08, 2013, 03:01 AM

    Thanks MM. By reacting this way, those commenters are only showing that this video and our presence challenges their faith/dogma.

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #94 - February 08, 2013, 03:30 AM

    Why is Christopher Hitchens a great man?

    Some good tribute vids in this thread.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #95 - February 08, 2013, 03:55 AM

    Another fine example of lovely Islamic tolerance and sophistication:

    TheWtfffffffffffffff 4 minutes ago
    TO WESTERN IMPERIALIST FAGGOTS: Why don't you implement Sharia Law in your countries even though there are minority groups demanding it? Exactly! Because they are minority groups and they'll be sent to Guantanomo Bay if they push too much. It's the same fucking thing in Saudi. Only a tiny fucking minority of people want your retarded phony "democracy". Fuck off of other people's lands and issues.

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #96 - February 08, 2013, 04:03 AM

    It's logic, Jim, but not as we know it.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #97 - February 08, 2013, 04:09 AM

    Recent comments:

    First of all i wanted to F*** This Bi**h.....(in the same statement)...we see our women's like queen.

    I guess he draws the line somewhere

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #98 - February 08, 2013, 05:33 AM

    It's logic, Jim, but not as we know it.

    Grin Grin

    Life is what happens to you while you're staring at your smartphone.

    Eternal Sunshine of the Religionless Mind
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #99 - February 08, 2013, 05:58 AM

    whens the next vid? Shocked
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #100 - February 08, 2013, 06:00 AM

    omg just noticed more than 200,000 views!! DAMN, i've never seen that many on any video on the channel
    good job (Y)
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #101 - February 08, 2013, 06:03 AM

    when you talk about public executions though,
    i don't think every thing in that vocal list is true, nor does it have the punishment of public execution.
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #102 - February 08, 2013, 06:05 AM

    NOR do i think it was a good idea to just use the sentence in the wiki-article.
    might be wrong though, just giving an opinion Smiley
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #103 - February 08, 2013, 06:13 AM

    okay never mind, i am wrong. according to law, you are allowed to execute someone based on that list.
    I was surprised because I didn't know that robberies or rape resulted in executions. I thought the punishment for robbery was just the cutting off of hands.
    Or maybe it's just saudi law, lol
    Sorry, i posted like five times.
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #104 - February 10, 2013, 03:50 AM


    I love how all of the Saudis are so quick to call Allat a racist and say that you're lying against their country and religion and blah blah, yet none of them seem willing to denounce thought crime killings  wacko
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #105 - March 01, 2013, 10:24 AM

    There is a prevailing sentiment among many Saudis, fueled by the ruling family of course, that their rags to riches tale is a direct result of their adherence to salafism-God's special gift to them for being radical hardliners.

    Necropost, I know, but this reminds me of Americans who say that the US is The Greatest Nation on Earth because God blesses them for supporting Israel.
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #106 - March 01, 2013, 10:40 AM

    Abdul Hameed Mohammed:
    I am very well aware of Islam, Saudi Arabia and its people, this video is extreamly biased and misleading, some video clips are infact from Iran. I suggest people to get to know the facts themselves from authentic sources, rather than trusting those who deceive the masses, wearing the mask of democracy, human rights etc..

    Wtf? Iran? Haven't heard of Iranian/Shi'a conspiracy theories like this before.
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #107 - March 01, 2013, 02:26 PM

    Yeah this video, like others on our channel too, has been getting some pretty rabid comments... what's interesting is that some people seem to be ignoring the multitude of articles linked in the description of the video that corroborate the information contained in the video:


    Raif Badawi:

    Saudi web editor could face death for 'liberal' site

    Saudi Arabia uses capital offence of 'apostasy' to stifle debate (Amnesty International)

    Saudi Arabia: Website Editor Facing Death Penalty Encouraged Peaceful Religious Discussion (Human Rights Watch)


    Turki Al-Hamad:

    *Please note his correct last name is Al-Hamad, not Ahmed.

    Saudi writer arrested for Islam 'insult'

    Prominent Saudi Writer Arrested After Controversial Tweets


    Hamza Kashgari:

    Support for Hamza

    Hamza Kashgari - Wikipedia

    The Internet vs. Hamza Kashgari
    How an online lynch mob left a Saudi writer facing a death sentence


    News and Info:

    Capital punishment in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia

    Analyses - Madrassas | PBS - Saudi Time Bomb?

    Madrassah Booted From Toronto School Pending Hate Probe

    How I survived chop chop square

    Eight Beheadings on "Justice" Square

    Saudi school lessons in UK concern government

    Saudi Arabia funding $100m Kabul mosque and education centre

    Lessons of Hate at Islamic Schools in Britain

    Muslim pupils learn to cut off hands of thieves

    A State of Denial - Justice in Saudi Arabia - CBC News

    Saudi-backed religious "dialogue" centre opens in Vienna

    Saudi Money with Strings Attached (Vienna Review)

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #108 - March 01, 2013, 03:22 PM

    You can lead a horticulture...
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #109 - March 01, 2013, 08:28 PM

    People don't even deny the killings and shit either, they just say OMG RACIST ALLAH HU AKBAR!
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #110 - March 01, 2013, 11:18 PM

    Yeah this video, like others on our channel too, has been getting some pretty rabid comments... what's interesting is that some people seem to be ignoring the multitude of articles linked in the description of the video that corroborate the information contained in the video:

    They're either very ignorant, in denial an clutching a straws or lying. Don't take any notice of the stuff they're coming out with. I read one comment say something like:

    they're lying, some of the pictures are not even from Saudi it is of Iran.

    Lol wtf is that the best attack they can muster. So fucking what if not all the pictures are not of Saudi. That doesn't mean the info in the vid is wrong.

    They are just butthurt so ignore it allat it's an amazing vid and the view count is like nothing I have ever seen - brilliant work.
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #111 - March 03, 2013, 08:43 PM


    I love how all of the Saudis are so quick to call Allat a racist and say that you're lying against their country and religion and blah blah, yet none of them seem willing to denounce thought crime killings  wacko

    You can't expect anything better. People like this always pull the race card when they know they are in the wrong.
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #112 - March 07, 2013, 02:24 AM

    Charmed Shiva 29 minutes ago
    I hope Hassan reads this and my other comment! I feel that his story resonates with me so much (his old blog and old videos). I wish that I knew similar people to talk and discuss with in my own life. Thank you Hassan for being so honest about your journey, and about being bold to put yourself out there, all at the same time as being kind, calm, and fair to those within the tradition you left. I wish you the best of all that a person could ever have.

    Charmed Shiva 34 minutes ago
    I really respect Hassan Radwan, even though I don't feel the same about others in CEMB, or many other critics such as Hirsi Ali & Sam Harris. What seems to separate Hassan from others is his knowledge base, his fair outlook, non-disdain for Muslims, and his acceptance of no generalized "Islam", crediting nuance rather than stating such sweeping things like "the Islam of Bin Laden is a very accurate one" & then moving on to discuss why Islam as a whole is dangerous filth, like Sam Harris does.

  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #113 - March 07, 2013, 09:13 AM

    Thanks for posting those comments, Nessy  far away hug

    (Though he was a bit mean about CEMB in general)
  • The CEMB youtube channel is back
     Reply #114 - July 10, 2013, 09:54 AM

    Great video. Well said

    Write for yourself
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