my kids love using their hands, getting messy and experimenting with all sorts of things.. every Sunday one of mine cooks lunch (under my watch of course) for the rest of us..
they watched the mentos /coke experiment , had to pick up their jaws off the floor, .. cutest thing ever lol
so yeah.. these are some fun ones..
Every kid has a little mad scientist hiding inside of them, and nothing is more fun than spending a little time dreaming up mixtures that bubble and steam and overflow! Here are 8 crazy concoctions you can whip up at home to satisfy their need to explore and create.

how to make dry ice..

how to make invisible ink..

ice tunnels..

how to make a storm in a cup..

how to make Crystal Egg Geodes

how to make water glow..

blow it up

how to make elephant toothpaste...

all the recipes can me found here in each link : know you wanna try em