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 Topic: Projects, Experiments, Crafts for Kids to Spark that imagination!

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  • Projects, Experiments, Crafts for Kids to Spark that imagination!
     OP - December 12, 2012, 06:43 AM

    my kids love using their hands, getting messy and experimenting with all sorts of things.. every Sunday one of mine cooks lunch (under my watch of course) for the rest of us..
    they watched the mentos /coke experiment , had to pick up their jaws off the floor, .. cutest thing ever lol
    so yeah.. these are some fun ones..

    Every kid has a little mad scientist hiding inside of them, and nothing is more fun than spending a little time dreaming up mixtures that bubble and steam and overflow! Here are 8 crazy concoctions you can whip up at home to satisfy their need to explore and create.

    how to make dry ice..

    how to make invisible ink..

    ice tunnels..

    how to make a storm in a cup..

    how to make Crystal Egg Geodes

    how to make water glow..

    blow it up

    how to make elephant toothpaste...  grin12

    all the recipes can me found here in each link :

    you know you wanna try em  yes
  • Projects, Experiments, Crafts for Kids to Spark that imagination!
     Reply #1 - December 12, 2012, 07:01 AM

    Non-newtonian fluid continues to fascinate me to this day. It can be easily made at home with some cornstarch and water. Here's a cool vid :

    ^ We actually did this at my school in Berlin. Was the most epic day ever Grin

    Started from the bottom, now I'm here
    Started from the bottom, now my whole extended family's here

  • Projects, Experiments, Crafts for Kids to Spark that imagination!
     Reply #2 - December 12, 2012, 07:04 AM

    err, when did we get a parents corner?  Grin

    and awesome ideas.  I am going to try some of these with my kids, thanks.   Afro

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Projects, Experiments, Crafts for Kids to Spark that imagination!
     Reply #3 - December 12, 2012, 02:53 PM

    Cool Ness.

    When i have kids I want to try to teach them history and science together in a hands-on kind of way. By recreating important early inventions that made an impact on human civilization. Yes I know I am a total nerd and I want my kids to be too.

    I.e. the compass was a massively important invention that allowed peoples to cross open seas and come into contact with peoples all over the world. You can actually make your own compass at home with some magnets, a CD, and a plastic CD case.

    These instructions show you how to make a "wet compass" that uses water. Which is probably easier than making a dry compass because the water helps the compass move easier. There were instructions for kids on how to make a proper dry compass out of the same CD case that is like a permanent one, but I can't find that online anymore. Anyway here is the link for the wet compass:

    Anyway I think it's cool to learn about these things in their historical context whilst trying to recreate them. You can tell your kids all about the great changes that were a result of the compass, both positive and negative (i.e. colonialism or the travels of Charles Darwin)

    Also another very important invention was soap, which helped improve hygiene and prevent the spread of diseases. I think soap was pioneered in the Muslim world in fact. You can definately bake you own homemade soap at home in the oven, experiment with different flavors and scents by adding different ingredients, and then actually use the soap. But it is not easy, so it all helps to see how far humanity has progressed throughout history through science.
  • Projects, Experiments, Crafts for Kids to Spark that imagination!
     Reply #4 - December 12, 2012, 08:57 PM

    ohh Jema that looks fun... like a huge pool of white school glue..

    yay .. anytime berbs  dance

    ohh those are pretty  cool.. gonna try that Tony , thanks  Afro
  • Projects, Experiments, Crafts for Kids to Spark that imagination!
     Reply #5 - December 12, 2012, 09:21 PM

    Talking of white school glue I used to make 'Gak' or 'Slime' with my kids using Elmer's glue and borax. We've also  tried making  it with the white school glue you buy in uk, but it must be missing some magic ingredient because only Elmer's seems to work.
    Here's the recipe
    Using food colouring to make batches of different colours is fun too; used to keep my guys fascinated for hours.
  • Projects, Experiments, Crafts for Kids to Spark that imagination!
     Reply #6 - December 13, 2012, 01:46 AM

    i think i'd play with that for hours lol..
  • Projects, Experiments, Crafts for Kids to Spark that imagination!
     Reply #7 - December 13, 2012, 07:31 AM

    I have no kids, but I am going to stalk this thread and try out all the experiments  dance

  • Projects, Experiments, Crafts for Kids to Spark that imagination!
     Reply #8 - December 13, 2012, 04:12 PM

    Sir Wankalot you are welcome to be auntie to my kids and do it with them :-)

    Nothing to do with me being too lazy to do it either  whistling2
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