Do we need an origin so soon after the last Batman trilogy? Parents murdered, swears war on crime, inherits billions, has an English butler. Every man and his dog know the story. Rather than seeing that all over again I'd be happy if they simply did a few flashbacks establishing the details on this incarnation of Batman. And honestly it's not being rushed, they're taking their time with it. It isn't that big of a stretch in a world with a flying god-like alien there's a city with a high rate of crime and corruption with a fed up vigilante dressed like a bat. Personally I'm holding judgement until I see it, but I can't say I'm not interested in the story, particularly as it draws on the classic The Dark Knight Returns, which had an older Batman come out of retirement and take on Superman and is widely considered a classic. If done right, this has the potential to be an amazing movie, and as they are taking their time, I have hope. And I have to admit smiling seeing the battle armour straight from the comic.
Obviously this is being done to compete with Marvel but that doesn't automatically mean it's doomed to fail. I'm quite looking forward to the Suicide Squad film, especially seeing the portrayal of a post Heath Ledger Joker and how a character like that can still be a threat in a world of supermen, wonder women, green lanterns etc.
"I want you to remember, Clark. In all the years to come. In your most private moments. I want you to remember my hand at your throat. I want you to remember the one man who beat you."The Dark Knight Returns as a source with the budget this movie has behind it? I'm optimistic.