Welcome ^_^ Tell us what made you leave Islam, if you have officially left?
A few reasons, really. My sexuality and gender identity, which actually made me extremely religious and homophobic. No amount of praying "fixed" me. Thought it was some sort of test from god. My religious phase got me wondering and questioning the more I got into islam. After that, I started to accept myself but still considered myself "muslim", even though I drank, didn't pray, etc. I still felt guilty about being my.
Then came my science-y phase where I was amazed by physics and astronomy. That made me realize how amazingly huge our universe is, and that we are not special at all. It started making me annoyed and angry whenever I would explain something about astronomy to my mother and she would say "Mashallah! Subhanallah! That just proves allah is our god!" when really I thought it just made it seem less and less possible that there is any time of god at all. SO then I just admitted it to myself that there is no god, and suddenly it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and everything that bothered me about myself didn't bother me at all. In fact,it made me proud of who I am.