Jewish Plot
Reply #10 - February 27, 2013, 04:32 AM
Okay, I'm back. Went to function tonight where people did dramatic readings of Yelp reviews. Funniest stuff ever.
Anywho, where to start? So many good points already made here. I think it is quite clear for the literature that I read over the years that Muhammed was pathologically obsessed with the Jews. And no denying that at a certain point it turned into a Single White Female kind of thing. First praising them endlessly in the Quran, but slowly starting to throw in the jabs when they didn't accept him, then full on slaughter of an entire Jewish clan. I think he only gained, what, like two Jewish converts? ever which was that "bin Salam" fellow and then Saffiyah, who I don't count as a legit convert because she was a slave.
I mean, if you just stand back and look through some basic, psychological lenses, you can easily see a sort of neurosis form in him over the Jews. He tried everything in his playbook to get them to convert. I think his visions of grandeur started after meeting Bahira and it just kept snowballing from there. He also knew a scribe, Warraqa, who he could have heard details from and started a loose framework for a jewish like religion that was "open" for all mankind.
okay let me get back to HM's points:
1) I had never heard that hadith and put two and two together before. you are right! the day of atonement is the fast day, no fasting occurs during passover. reading it again, it actually sounds like a bit of a blatant ribbing towards Mo on the jews part. wow
2) I do believe that there are Muslims out there who are trying to put forth that "Haman" in the Quran is NOT the same Haman in Esther and that the quranic haman was in fact just one of pharaohs henchmen. which is attested to by their claim that the name "haman" supposedly was discovered in hieroglyphics. hmmm, wonder what Zahi Hawas would say about that. I will say that if Muhammed was a true "biter" and a stalker of Jewish society, he would have EASILY overheard the name Haman bantered about, and LOUDLY. In fact Purim, which just took place on Sunday is the holiday where the story of esther is read outloud and the pinnacle of fun comes when Hamans name is said...cuz everytime it is recited people are to make loud crazy noises to "block" his name from being uttered. If mo every heard this ceremony taking place....certainly this name would have made a mark on his mind! And also worthy of note: right around the corner from PURIM is PESACH (passover). so, that is an easy way to explain how the haman story crossed with the Egypt one! they literally piggyback each other on the calendar.
3) not to sure about that one, but I wouldn't doubt that it was an easy thing to screw up. heck, arent there like two different lineages for christ in the new testemant. sh** of jesus's OWN PEOPLE cant even get it right, what can we expect from the likes of our poor lil Mo?
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.