Hate to resurrect an old thread, but regarding:
1. Aashuraa/Yom Kippur/Passover:
It is well known and accepted among Muslims that the practice of fasting the 10th day of the first month of the year (‘Aashuraa) was a Jewish practice that Muhammad adopted when he came to Madina.
“Ibn Abbas narrates that Muhammad came to Madina and saw the Jews fasting on the day of ‘Ashoora’. He said, “What is this?” They said, “This is a good day, this is the day when Allah saved the Children of Israel from their enemy and Moosa fasted on this day.” He said, “We are closer to Moosa than you.” So he fasted on this day and told the people to fast.”
The problem here is that while fasting on the day of Ashuraa would have been a jewish practice, the story they gave Muhammad did not match up. Passover is the festival celebrating the Hebrew escape from Egypt, while Yom Kippur is the fast of the ten days after the New Year, Roshashona. I wonder if the Jews deliberately mixed up the stories to see if Muhammad’s “God” would have directed him to the truth. When he unquestioningly adopted the practice with the story they gave him, they must have known he was a fraud.
Wouldn't Muslims be able to argue that Muhammad was 'directed to the truth' when he was told to fast on Ramadan instead and stopped fasting on ashura? (as told through the seerah, allegedly)
http://www.muharram.shiasisters.net/articles/fasting_on_ashura.htmlHowever, Imam Muhammad al Baqar narrates that as the fast of Ramadan became compulsory, the fast of Ashura was made void and then completely stopped.