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 Topic: Introduction Hi :)

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  • Introduction Hi :)
     OP - March 31, 2013, 05:20 AM

    Where to begin? Perhaps I’ll start with telling who I am. I’m currently student at a university in England. I’m from a religious Pakistani family and for the best part of 3 months, I’ve been conflicted and confused and most important, I’ve grown increasingly disillusioned with Islam. I think it started when I just got sick of seeing Islam in the news for bullshit reasons. Of course terrorism but beheadings of hostages, beheadings of blasphemers, global violent riots against the west and just general depressing news from the hellholes in Africa and the middle east. The news coming out from Britain itself hits closer to home however because I can corroborate with what the news is actually saying. Were I to say Britain is being ‘islamisized’ as a white non-muslim Brit, I’d be branded with terms like ‘Islamophobia’ but I, a Pakistani Muslim, has no allusions to the veracity of this claim. In big northern cities like my own, Islam is being propagated. Muslim ghettos being built without a care in the world for locals. Halal food shops are so common and increasing in number, it’s not funny anymore. Add to this a sizable number of muslims who want sharia law and truly want to dominate the world and I am convinced Britain will look unrecognizable within a few decades thanks in huge part to Islam. Are these the rantings of a mad man with no basis? Were I a white non-muslim brit writing for the Daily Mail, I’d surely be branded a mad man but perhaps my name, skin colour, religion and the company I have kept can give credence to my foretelling claim.

    I hate how Islam is beyond criticism and beyond reproach. Britain has become such a politically correct hole, it beggars belief. ‘Islamophobia’ is ingenious. Combined with the PC society we now live in, muslims have free reign to propagate and grow in stature and guess what? All they’re doing is practising their religion. Moderate muslims will say muslims should respect the law of the land and calls for an implementation of sharia to be absurd but these moderate muslims probably aren’t following their faith to the letter.
    It was once I started to read up on Islam that I was shocked that it truly wasn’t a ‘religion of peace’. What shocked me more was that it never claims to be. It is what it is. A supremacist, ‘us vs them’ religion. So many muslims are so devout and steadfast in their beliefs of hate for ‘kuffar’, gays, blasphemers. Verily I will say Islam is NOT compatible with the west. I hate the lies we hear from moderate muslims (in the media and in everyday life) saying it is a religion of peace and the terrorists and extremists are not practising the ‘true’ Islam when in fact all one has to do look at the Qu’ran or any one of a number of authentic hadith to have these notions dispelled. At this point, I knew Islam contradicted my world view and my own personal morals.
    One thing I hate among many muslims in my age group is their unwillingness to debate or argue Islam. They have a uniform defence: “Islam is perfect, muslims are not”. This aggrieves me so much. If Islam was perfect, why is it almost exclusively in Arabic? Revealed to a desert of superstitious polytheists in the 7th century? Besieged with horrendous sectarian violence to this day? A very difficult to read holy book littered with contradictions in the holy book which has an axiom of being perfect and the unadulterated word of god? I can go on and probably find some better examples. As I’ve said I’m just so disillusioned. Muslims are killing nonmuslims, non-muslims are killing muslims, and muslims are killing muslims.

    Another belief instilled into me from a young age is that Islam is the only religion, everything else is wrong. This is quite a strong belief you know. It’s the last barrier to leaving Islam. If I’m now of the opinion Islam is wrong, then what does that mean? It personally leads me to a nihilistic world view and ultimately depresses me. I want there to be meaning to life and to have a belief in God but if Islam is wrong then what else is there?

    Anyway to summarise, sorry for my waffle. I have haven’t written anything this long since GCSE English and have definitely lost my ability to articulate in the written word since then. I cannot leave publicly but I think in my heart, I have lost the battle and do not believe in the hate which is Islam. Islam is my polar opposite to my own views of peace: love for all, hatred for none. (*this happens to be the Ahmaddiya motto, a group within Islam persecuted horribly in this day and age) So anyway Hi!  Smiley
  • Introduction Hi :)
     Reply #1 - March 31, 2013, 06:02 AM

    HI  grin12 Well that was a great intro and I enjoyed reading it a lot. I'm sorry about the really sucks, I know. I saw this pic posted the other day:

    Thought it was so awesome, and maybe you can find some hope in that^ idea as well.

    One question though..why do you care how many halal shops there are?  Tongue

    Anyway, hope you like the community here, and find it supportive. Welcome!

    Quote from: ZooBear 

    • Surah Al-Fil: In an epic game of Angry Birds, Allah uses birds (that drop pebbles) to destroy an army riding elephants whose intentions were to destroy the Kaaba. No one has beaten the high score.

  • Introduction Hi :)
     Reply #2 - March 31, 2013, 06:51 AM

    Welcome to CEMB, I've only been here a few days myself but the community's quite good.

    Much of what you said resonates with me, also from UK, brought up in a strict muslim family and our extended family and family friends are all in the same line of thinking. I was criticized for saying I dont want to be a Sunni, just a muslim cos I don't see why there should be a divide.

    The lack of questioning allowed and the casual defence of anything done in the name is Islam ("Its a CIA conspiracy, they must have had a good reason, its alllowed in those situations") is what made me really rethink my faith, and the blind adherence it demanded.

    I did feel empty, still do sometimes, thinking about this huge part of my life that now I know to be fake.

    "Dont put people in a box, the only people shaped box is a coffin"

    "If God wanted us to believe, he would have given divine guidance to us all"

    "Religion the ultimate hypnosis, the art of convincing people of a fantasy that they believe all their lives"
  • Introduction Hi :)
     Reply #3 - March 31, 2013, 12:42 PM

    One question though..why do you care how many halal shops there are?  Tongue

    Anyway, hope you like the community here, and find it supportive. Welcome!

    Well, I guess I don't really care because it gives me more places to eat halal  grin12. It's more an observation of how I feel Islam is just slowly creeping into the forefront of daily life. Also great picture, helps somewhat.
  • Introduction Hi :)
     Reply #4 - March 31, 2013, 06:54 PM

    Welcome to the forum


    In my opinion a life without curiosity is not a life worth living
  • Introduction Hi :)
     Reply #5 - March 31, 2013, 07:39 PM

    Welcome mate.

    You shouldn't be too worried about Britian turning to sharia. Islam here will go through a renaissance like period where it will get watered down to a level that will not be recognisable. The only reason Islam looks to be on the rise is because it is the most ardently followed religion in Britian. The more exposure islam gets, the more chance of the 'real' islam becomes known and people will see it for what it is.

    I met alot of Muslim who have a lot of doubts. Just a few days ago a muslim channel called noor tv had this guy ask how should one reconcile modern scientific theories of gravity etc with mohammed night journey. The host ended up saying we should not think about these things and that the laws of nature do not apply to God. The more answers like this muslims recieve the more they will feel disgruntled when trying to spread there own faith.

  • Introduction Hi :)
     Reply #6 - March 31, 2013, 08:00 PM


    Islam in Britain is going through both a hardening as literalism increases in a section of Muslims and a weakening as Muslims leave literalism behind

    The growth of Salafism is as much a reaction to Muslim liberals rejecting the strict form of the faith as it is a reaction to the rest of society.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Introduction Hi :)
     Reply #7 - March 31, 2013, 10:26 PM

    I realise that my introductory post came off as more of a rant. This wasn't my intention and like I said, I tend to waffle a lot Smiley and the whole Islam in Britain isn't even the main reason I want to leave. I think if I had to point to only one reason, it would be the inherent unarguable core teachings of hate, supremacy and repression in Islam. These will always argue with my own intrinsic moral compass until the day I die.

    Thank you for the kind messages of welcome and I look forward to posting in this forum often as I embark on the main journey of my life with a new and improved lifestyle free from any (possibly explosive) baggage from my past.
  • Introduction Hi :)
     Reply #8 - April 02, 2013, 12:39 PM

    welcome bro, good intro Smiley

  • Introduction Hi :)
     Reply #9 - April 04, 2013, 01:35 PM

    welcome geezer ! parrot
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