By you, apparently.
You'd be hard pressed to make your insultingly small list of pros longer. And you now have an insurmountable task of explaining and apologising away all the other bad shit already mentioned in this thread - a laundry list that eclipses any handful of cherry-picked confirmation-bias goodness you can muster up with your Google Fu.
Meanwhile, it isn't even history for some people. They still feel the ripples and echoes of Thatcherism. Congratulations for not being one of them.
Ishina, Britain was fairly fucked before Thatcher came to power, and not just economically. The Notting Hill riots and punk rock (1976) were not the products of a happy house.
As I've said before, I loathed her. Despised might be more accurate. Her determined philistinism, a lack of empathy so acute that she didn't even recoil emotionally against apartheid... I could go on, but I'll leave that to others.
The coal mines were doomed, as were the tin mines of Cornwall and the copper mines of Jordan 5000 years ago. Above the excavated ruins of a fantastically rich Jordanian mining town there are still seams of copper visible to the naked eye. In a poor country, why on earth don't they mine them?
Was Scargill really more of a democrat than Thatcher, who won unfixed elections and shuffled off obediently when defenestrated by her own party?
With her death, it's the meanness of spirit of those rejoicing I can't stand, the grave dancers all piously calling out her meanness of spirit. They are right, but they should look in the mirror too.