Well being vego can adversely affect your health if you don't watch it. I think it's perfectly possible to be a healthy vegetarian, but since you are restricting the range of foods you are more likely to get some deficiency if you aren't careful.
I don't subscribe to theories that a vegetarian diet is intrinsically more healthy. I think modern science has pretty conclusively knocked that one on the head. The evidence is now clear that we evolved to be omnivores.
Which reminds me, from the other thread.............
BTW, like we have been saying again and again and again, this is NOT a thread for debating whether YOU like to eat flesh or not. If you do fine, nobody here is telling you not to. Why people can't leave one fucking thread alone, where those of us who want to just share veg recipes are chatting, is interesting. It's almost like this thread being here bothers the meat eaters in some way - I wonder why.
It's qute simple, in my case at least. Threads like that don't bother me as such. They amuse me. Why? Because of the inherent sense of righteousness involved.
Invariably, whenever vegetarianism gets discussed, quite a few of the people involved will see it as somehow better than not being vegetarian. They will regard it as being the more virtuous choice, either in the nutritional and/or ethical sense, and therefore they will regard themselves as being more virtuous by reason of their choice.
Personally, I tend to be rather irreverent. Yes, I know it's hard to believe, and many people will be demanding solid evidence before they can bring themselves to believe it, but it's true. If I see someone getting on their high horse about something, I get an almost irresistible urge to take the piss. Usually, I don't try to resist very hard. Call me a lazy bastard.

While I can see the ethical arguments, and happen to agree with them in the cases of things like battery farming and inhumane slaughter methods, I don't agree that they are an absolute reason to avoid eating meat. It's particularly funny when people want to claim to be vegetarian while still eating crustaceans, fish and birds.
As for the nutritional/health arguments, as already mentioned I think they have been consigned to the scientific dustbin, and should therefore be ignored in any serious discussion.
PS: Oh and I'm not fanatical about meat or no meat. Sometimes I eat vego. Sometimes I don't.