This is like arguing with someone whose main stance is "If the Earth is spinning, how come we don't fly off? If it's round, how come people in Australia aren't upside down??"
3. this is where i ask you why cant the creator test his creation with this and the truth is that if the quran is true and it is the word of god then obviously it is a bigger proof then the fossils which are seperated out by thousands of years with no linkage ps you seem to hate the concept of hell well he isn't all loving like the christians say and he wont just take you into heaven because of this love it requires effort. and there is nothing wrong with that
If you think "thousands of years" is anything significant in evolutionary terms, then you clearly know next to nothing about evolution. I suggest you read more. Seriously, it's good for you. There is a whole world of information out there far beyond anything the author of the quran could ever have even imagined (who was not a god by the way--sorry to break that to you.)
Take your own advice and be open minded. I have read and studied the Quran, every bit of it, from suratul fatiha to suratun naas. I am certain it is not divine. Don't be spoon fed nonsense from these slick talking dawah con artists. If you are unsure about evolution, go to your local natural history museum and speak with an evolutionary biologist, an archeologist, or a curator. See the evidence for yourself. Read. Be intrigued. It is sad to see you turning off your curiosity and submitting your logic to the backward, vacuous teachings of the quran.
As it relates too God's tests, suppose we are wrong. Does it really warrant the grotesque, sadistic torture described in the quran? Couldn't God just prove that he is Ar-Rahman by forgiving us for being flawed and ignorant, the way he created us?
He doesn't have to admit people to Jannah, but why does he have to torture them for being wrong? He sounds like a sadist and a monster, a Muammar Gaddafi or a Saddam Hussein. Is that really the kind of god you worship?