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 Topic: Newly liberated!!!

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  • Newly liberated!!!
     OP - August 05, 2013, 08:36 PM

    Hello everyone Im another newbie!

    Sooo loving this forum!!!

    Thought I introduce myself and my story. Im an ex convert, married a muslim man although the snare of islam had already got hold of me before I met him so I was all geared up ready for the perfect muslim life. I turned a blind eye to all the horrible stuff and told myself that the dark always balances the light and it actually makes it all the more believable!!! wacko I took to islam straight away as Ive always been a very spiritual person, I enjoyed all the practical side of things like praying and wearing hijab. I felt Id found the truth, everything I had been looking for, sound familiar!? I was determined that Islam was the truth and that I had to battle against all odds to stand up for what I believed in. I went through utter tumoil with friends and family, but I knew that I had Allah and that he was more important than any of them. But it wasnt long before cracks started to appear. I struggled to maintain my five prayers, wake up for fajr or give up alcohol for more than a few weeks. (I used to drink in secret with my non muslim friend LOL) I would hide to have a sneaky fag whilst out and about and took off my hijab when I got too hot,. But I believed it and thought I just needed time to become more knowledgable. This went on for three years until last march when I took myself to a sisters study circle and a quran class. I said shahada with the sisters and we all cried, I had said it to myself previously so it made it all official. I immediatly started praying all my five prayers, wearing jilbab and niqab, went to jummah every friday, gave up booze, smoking and started learning arabic. I began this ramadan with zeal and went to iftars and taraweeh. But the deeper I went the more I began to question it all, I denied the fact I had barely read quran for months, just books by scholars and other muslims. Then it dawned on me I dont like the quran, its scary, every other word is about hell and punishment and what about all my new convert friends, they were reading it telling me how far they had gotten each time we met for iftar. All posting inspirational quotes on facebook, saying how much they were enjoying ramadan. For me it was a nightmare, especially at work in the heat, sometimes I felt like screaming and running to a tap!! But I soldiered on knowing I was earning my place in paradise Afro And what about the person I was becoming? I didnt realise until now how prejudiced I was towards non muslims, how fearful and guilty I was all the time. The world was a hostile place and I must protect myself from it at all costs. The more I saw it all the bigger and louder it became. Ive lapsed before I told myself my imaan is just low thats all. But my saving grace was my art, I made the mistake of posting some pictures of my work on facebook thinking it wasnt such a big deal. Wrong! Moments later messages started arriving from all my lovely new friends that if I continue to make art of animals Allah will punish me until I can make them come to life and that I will recieve the severest punishment on the day of judgement!! woooaaaaah thats serious! Ive now got to give up the one thing I have left, the one thing still standing that defines me as being me. Yeah that was the moment of clarity, the realisation that Ive been well and truly corrupted. How could my creator be so petty and sadistic to punish me for all eternity for making art? For forgetting to pray or stepping in the bathroom with my right foot.... yeah the flood gates had been opened and I was finally awake.

    Its been a bitter pill to swallow though as I really did love Allah, I felt important and cared about, I had a reason to live and an instruction book on life. Its all come crashing down and I feel very alone and bereft. But I feel joy also that I was able to come through this, my spiritual immune system has finally overcome this evil virus and Im free to live the life I deserve. Im not sure how Im going to get there as Ive made a lot of muslim friends and worry how Im going to tell them or if I should just avoid them? Ive no muslims in the family and I left my husband seven months ago, Im so relieved as I was thinking about remarrying! Its all so wierd thinking about what I can do now, and sooo enjoyed those two bacon butties ive just troughed grin12 I kept having to stop myself saying bismilah and alhamdulila whilst eating them!!! I did it as an affirmation of my apostacy rather than a craving for bacon Tongue Ive decided Im going back to being the real me, that crazy artist I was before, who pranced about in the woods all night and made tutus and animals sculptures. Im going to celebrate my creativity and womanhood not supress them. How I could have allowed myself to be imprisoned by this horrid cult I will never know, but now Im freeeeee! And I can only look forward to it all dance
  • Newly liberated!!!
     Reply #1 - August 05, 2013, 08:53 PM

    Hi Epona Smiley

    Congratulations on your emancipation grin12 Have a welcoming parrot: parrot And a bunny too: bunny

    So you entered this Ramadan as a devout Muslimah and now you are about to leave it with bacon butties blazing?  piggy

    Niqab too? So you were one of those ninjas? For how long were you into Islam? How is your relationship to your non-Muslim family & friends? Questions questions! wacko

    Great to have you here Smiley I can almost feel the fresh air of your liberation through teh Interwebs dance


    Danish Never-Moose adopted by the kind people on the CEMB-forum
    Ex-Muslim chat (Unaffliated with CEMB). Safari users: Use "#ex-muslims" as the channel name. CEMB chat thread.
  • Newly liberated!!!
     Reply #2 - August 05, 2013, 09:46 PM

    Hello Epona,Welcome !  parrot bunny

    Your story really hit me and I recognize myself in a lot of what you're saying.Islam holds me back from doing what I'm passionate about the most : music.I can't bare how its bad to be muslim and at the same time loving to sing and play instruments.
    I hope you will bloom freely and live the life you've always wanted,welcome again  Wink
  • Newly liberated!!!
     Reply #3 - August 06, 2013, 01:39 AM

    First of all, big fan of the username Epona. OOT was the sickest.

    Anyway, as far as the actual content of your post, well I hate to break it to you but the creator of the Allah you felt this connection to was probably a thug (if he even existed), and there's no reason for you to feel scared or even worse feel forced to give up your passions to appease such an ancient bully. We all deserve better than such a fate.

    That said I welcome you to the forum and hope you enjoy your stay here. Also, have a rabbit!  bunny

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Newly liberated!!!
     Reply #4 - August 06, 2013, 02:16 AM


    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Newly liberated!!!
     Reply #5 - August 06, 2013, 06:07 PM

    Yaaay I got my parrot and bunnies too !! Thanks everyone!

    Yeah I was one of thos ninjas LOL It was something I really did love and hate in equal measure. I saw it as a kind of mystical thing where I existed only partially in this world and so was able to feel closer to God. But the other side of it was it was suffocating and hot and not being able to smile or express my feelings was hard, I ended up shouting and waving my hands about whilst speaking to people!

    I was a muslim for nearly four years, my friends and family are all really happy for me now, I didnt realise just how much it had affected them all and I feel very ashamed. I never disowned anyone, but they really missed the old me, I hadnt even noticed Id changed so much but obviously had! It just happened gradually over the four years and it was only when I reached the point I was being asked to sacrifice everything, I realised just how far Id gone. Being creative is something fundamental to spirituality and a path that supresses that is not one I ever wish to go down again.
  • Newly liberated!!!
     Reply #6 - August 06, 2013, 06:44 PM

    I've always been uncomfortable with veiled women. When I talk to them, I can't see facial expressions, body language, or any of the things that are normal in human interaction. Never have a problem with women who wear the hijab so I know it's not an unconscious prejudice towards muslims, it's just that we're a social species I guess. Often our movements, twitches etc. are as important or more important than the words we say. Having a conversation with someone standing right in front of me and all that being taken away...just makes me so uncomfortable.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Newly liberated!!!
     Reply #7 - August 06, 2013, 07:03 PM

    Welcome Epona, is it just me, or does your intro scream happiness?  dance  I know you say you feel some loss and wonder how you will get through it, but the positivity you end with, well that has cheered me up just reading it.  I'm so happy for you because now you can be you again.  But maybe not the you that needed the external validation of Allah to know you matter.

    Also, art is spiritual, it speaks to us on some level that is hard to quantify, and makes you think...and perhaps that is why allah hates it so much.  Any religion that robs creativity is robbing an essential part of what made humanity progress, and indeed there you can find all the reason for the fear of it by them.

    I sincerely look forward to seeing some of your art, laced as it would be now, with even more self understanding, and a greater appreciation for your talents.

    Welcome to your freedom.   parrot

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Newly liberated!!!
     Reply #8 - August 06, 2013, 07:10 PM


    Thank you! 

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • Newly liberated!!!
     Reply #9 - August 06, 2013, 09:06 PM

    Welcome Epona.....I'm really happy for the liberation you feel and the newly-found sense of happiness you've found. The joy and excitement you feel is radiant and really comes across as Nikolaj and BerberElla mentioned. To me, that's the most important thing: to be happy, to be content, to be joyful.

    Some of parts of your post made me LOL, keep up the sense of humor

  • Newly liberated!!!
     Reply #10 - August 07, 2013, 11:05 AM

    and told myself that the dark always balances the light and it actually makes it all the more believable!!! wacko

    went to jummah every friday

    a woman went to Jummah every friday?  Huh?
    i know it's fine but still weird for me.

    anyway welcome to the club, dear
    a parrot for you  parrot and some bacon  piggy
    now that you see the light again, what are your views now? and what was your views prior to Islam?
  • Newly liberated!!!
     Reply #11 - August 09, 2013, 11:46 AM

    Hi, Epona

    I've been trying to think how I could articulate my journey into Islam and back out again (albeit semi-hidden) and then I read your intro and it's practically identical to me - except for the hijab bit due to having a penis, which of course makes me superior to you.  Wink

    I'm so pleased you were able to come out of your marriage and therefore are 'clean' in respect of major baggage (I assume). I remain married and am unable to express myself through my music (I play guitar) as much as I would like. My wife's lips tighten whenever I go near the instrument so I just can't lose myself in it, so I just don't bother. That's the point of art, right? To lose yourself? Losing yourself seems haram though. Being human seems haram when you examine everything.

    Anyway, nuff said for now. Happy to PM if you want to exchange ex-muslim convert stories.

    Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.
  • Newly liberated!!!
     Reply #12 - August 10, 2013, 02:12 AM

    Thank you all so much for your lovely replies, its great having you all to share this with  thnkyu  parrot

    Ive struggled a bit over the past few days, Ive felt a real sense of grief at what Ive put myself through. And deleting the muslim me online and telling my closest friend Im 'taking a break' and why made everything all the more real. I still couldnt tell her Id completely left, but Ive started breaking the ties. Hearing her use inshallah and alhamdulilla with every other word seemed wierd already, Islam really has died in me.

    Im letting off steam at every opportunity, I saw some shocking pink nail polish today called 'sinful colour' so of course I had to buy it! LOL Im also getting more adventurous with pork foods since Ive had bacon nearly everyday dance I had sweet chilli and pork sausages for dinner tonight  Afro Any more pork and I might turn into miss piggy!  piggy Im even toying with the idea of going to a bar, now that will be reaaally wierd, but what the hell! Ive even thrown caution to the wind and taken off my full hijab too, Im just wearing loose fitting western clothes with a bandana type scarf covering most of my hair, Im getting a few looks from neighbours who probably think Im a new resident LOL as they havnt seen my face or anything alse for a very long time!

    I came to Islam without any real knowledge or views on it, I discovered it while on holiday in turkey, hearing the azan from our hotel balcony. I asked a few of the hotel workers about it and it sounded really interesting, so I rushed to find out more when I got home. I admit I was disappointed when I first read the quran and should have had the sense to walk away then. But I was attracted by a religion that offered me a close relationship with one god, something that wicca, what Id practiced for ten years previously didnt have. I loved the structure and the idea it might actually be from God, a real sense of certainty Id been wanting. I met my husband on a return trip to turkey a few months later and after a few weeks I decided to convert. My huband was never a practicing muslim and often complained I was taking it all too seriously. I realise now Id felt I needed to throw myself in headlong to really 'get' it, as my previous failed attempts at combining it with my old ways hadnt worked out. The final death throw was the worst, having gone out to meet other muslims in the hope of finding a true islamic life, I started to take on ever more conservative views. Having found a real sense of belonging amongst other converts, I felt a strong need to be accepted. I stood corrected and informed of various hadith or ayat, encouraged to go to lectures and socials. At first it was all really great but as time went on and my knowledge grew the cracks started to appear, that thin veil of commaraderie and sisterhood masked the real heart of islam, I felt it then, but I didnt see it. I didnt want to, I was addicted to that certainty Id found. I was a muslimah now and questioning God's word was unimaginable! It was only when it all came at me at once, all my doubts and feelings of imprisonment, did I see it all clearly. The lights came on and nobody was home!!! yes
  • Newly liberated!!!
     Reply #13 - August 10, 2013, 02:18 AM

    Thank you for giving me faith in my fellow man, this is just what I needed after reading some creationist bollocks.

    You seem to be happy. As one person to another I really am glad.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Newly liberated!!!
     Reply #14 - August 10, 2013, 01:20 PM

    Welcome  parrot Congratulations on joining the statistic of apparently, up to 70% of new converts leaving withing 4 years. Islam is like a delicious looking fruit someone presents to you with worms in it that you don't realize until you've taken a good deep bite into it. And you want to spit it out really badly but you're worried that you'll offend that person, but for your own health you better just spit it out instead of trying to swallow it. This is why the fruit (being religion if you are still with me) you should cut it up and inspect it first right down to the core.

    I myself have a lot of Muslim friends online that talk about how great Islam is, but then I read the Quran (cover to cover) and was VERY VERY disappointed. And any morals that I did like, I was already taught from Christianity, so there was nothing new to offer.

    ***~Church is where bad people go to hide~***
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