The local jail is also the county jail, I am sure.
Oh yeah if the sheriff runs it. Not really a main point.
At my company, if you write down your offense and the circumstances, we might hire you. Especially if you are not afraid to work hard. I did not say people do not look at criminal history, I am saying there is less of a social stigma now in being a felon, because there are many more felons than there used to be. They are not mythical boogey men anymore, they are your neighbors
EXACTLY>>> " We might hire you."
Perhaps and I hope you work for one of the companies that actively seeks to change the situation for men and women getting out of prison. There are some companies that do actively work with prisons to offer offenders employment when they are released or trial employment during work release programs. Other companies at less don't contribute to the problem of difficult reentry into the community. There are however companies that only loosely disguiising their descrimination
Many states are moving towards it being illegal to discriminate against felons unless their crime is considered negatively in light of the position being offered.
I think it has been illegal to discriminate against someone solely on the grounds of their criminal history for quite sometime. My point however was it is WAY TO EASY to make it out to be something else. Lack of recent work history would be the first thing to come to my mind. But it could be any number of other things.
One of the things we emphasise in explanning why there are regulations against tattoos is that in future prison tats on the face, neck, hands, and forearms may influence an employer to not hire them. (Totally amazes to me that is more of a concern to some then the possibility of infection. I've seen horeible staph as well as gangrene)
If they're of the sort that really want a tat they don't care about any of that or that the needle to make the tat gun is contraband and will add time to their sentence.
You can look up Ban The Box to see what is driving this.
Are you and your friend active supporters of this movement? Or is it just something you know about in passing?
Better jobs are hard to get, everywhere. But sometimes hard workers are difficult to find, especially in physically demanding jobs. Remember when we could not get anyone to harvest the fields in Alabama/Georgia (can't remember which) when the immigrants fled the state? People would quit after a half a day. Some fields are having problems getting filled, and are abandoning the box disbarment.
I don't think farm labor is an area of employment where there would be a lot of discrimination against criminal history with the exception of crimes against nature and grand larceny (large livestock). I don't know for sure those were just what I could think of right off. These also aren't high demand jobs every where. Anyhow a place to start from. All the prisons in my state offer vocational education. Not all locations have the same programs so men try to get accepted to different places. Must have good behavior be advancing levels not be a discipline problem.
He is a babysitter, for me, because our families are long term friends, and I have trouble leaving my children with strangers. He does not do this for anyone else.
Yes that is what I said so many, many men are dependent on getting their first job when they get out from family or friends. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Family and friends should be the first line of acceptance and support. However it can't stop there the rest of the community and society must also arrive. Also way to many young men are from broken homes or foster homes. So those either that family needs help to help them the man when he gets out or there is anyone one to help him.
Anyhow thanks for your time Three.
I know you don't need any thanks for helping your friend but I'm always thankful when I hear of someone getting support and doing well when they get out.