Lion–maned professor of Philosophy. Atheist. Hates postmodernists, dislikes Slavoj Žižek and makes little digs at him in various books. Supports Tzvetan Todorov. Wrote the magnificent Against All Gods, which was unusually polemical for him. Top dude, though I’ve yet to meet him.
Wrote this for The Guardian: dear, I'm quite partial to Slavoj Žižek myself, even if I don't agree with everything he has ever written. He's a very incisive and witty thinker who has done more than the frankfurt school to interest me in ideology critique and Hegelian thinking. And of course, Lacan.
I've not read any Tzvetan Todorov.
RE: Against All Gods, I hope this isn't the criticisms of the new atheists framed in a philosophical light.