Watch his other stuff. that is how I speak lol but not like a clown. Still, it's embarrassing. Mirpuri Rude Boyz
I went to Lahore in 2006 on business, long stay, business in Pakistan = long stay, deaths, births, marriages, religious festivals, other festivals, Fridays, national holidays, electricity load-shedding, saint's birthdays, saint's deaths bombs - it is a wonder anything gets done.
Anyways, they speak a different version of PunJabi than my yardies and I learnt a bit of |Urdu because I am Pakistani who reads/writes/etc so when I used to go and see the people at these places, they would talk to me in lahori Punjabi and get replies in lahori Punjabi, Punjabi, mirpuri Potwari, Urdu and English and try to stifle his guffaws.
After a while he had to shun the minion in the offices away, because they would want to stand close/not get on with work when that weirdo was in the building. Lol
Some of the FOB (fresh off the boat) here get mad if you talk to them in their native tongue. They see it as you assuming they cannot speak English, and will answer in English.
I don't use language properly, either. I am an easy target for laughter. If I am using something foreign with the kids, I am yelling because when push comes to shove, they don't take commands in English very seriously.
People look, and pretend they are not looking to be polite.
I pretend not to see them pretending to not be looking. To be polite.
We are all dying of politeness.