I understand that there are different types of muslims. I understand that there are different ways in which people practise Islam. I understand that there are different versions of Islam. But the more I think about it, the more I hate Islam overall, generally speaking. If we assess the scriptures solely, there are passages in the Old Testament that would put the barbaric ayahs of the Quran to shame. However, mix the ridiculously violent and misogynistic passages of the Quran with tribal, feudal, incredibly vain, primitive, male-dominated, underdeveloped cultures and you get the most vile, horrendous religion the world has ever seen. Fuck this stupid ass religion. I do not regret being born into it because it has only made me understand what a load of baboon shit it is.
I posted that rant on my blog
http://sexmuslim.tumblr.com/. It's very explicit. don't go there if you are under 22 years old.