that link says
... I was told that I would be joined by a Pakistani public speaker, who had an interest in Islamic intellectual history and who was a popularizer of science and rationalist disciplines in the Muslim world. The invitation piqued my interest, given that I specialize in the study of the rationalist sciences - philosophy, logic, astronomy, etc. - of the pre-modern Muslim world (800-1900 CE). ...
Hmm He must be Dr. Pervaz Hoodbhoy .. The MIT product. Dr. Asad Q. Ahmed, Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies, The University of California, Berkeley, and Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy, Professor Emeritus, Quaid-e-Azam University did get together before.. That is great lecture from him in US of A... Frankly speaking he is lucky to be alive... And More importantly he lived in Pakistan and he taught Physics in Pakistan.. Unlike
Dr Younis Sheikh who was jailed in Land of Pure .. beaten and lucky to be alive to day by running away to west.