86. To express yourself i.e. scream, yell and do whatever that makes you feel better.
87. To play pranks on your friends.
88. To have your own home and live by your rules.
89. To sing under the shower.
90. To dance under the rain lol
91. To burn your books after your final exams.
92. To don't give a fuck about people.
93. To tell horror stories at night when camping.
94. To swim with a dolphin.
95. To go ice-skating with your boy/girlfriend.
96. To get drunk.
97. To organize a party and invite everyone.
98. To attend a sport event.
99. To participate in a protest.
100. Because you have to ride a horse

The reasons (things to do) are more than 100, because some of them were unnumbered.
You can go on posting, just remember to put the number.