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The irrepressible joy of mere existence itselfWhat I find most beautiful is that to live my life I don't need to believe in neither God nor try to understand evolution or the way the universe works. I can remain splendidly ignorant of such things and still be happy with the simple things of life: my lover and I, family, work, silly quotes, the movies that I watch, a cloud that looks like a dog, a person tripping over his own foot but not falling so it's okay to laugh. I don't need to delve into the intricacies of evolution or the origins of the universe. Life just is and the moment I accepted that the more happier I became and the happiness is still growing.
Suffering comes from wanting, from aspirations, desires. I don't need to understand God any more than any other fairytale and I don't need to understand the sciences as a form of a recreational pursuit or academic learning. I can let go of trying to understand and live. Sure, knowing such things may allow me to appreciate things a little bit more but whose to know for sure?
Have your gods, your philosophy and science. I want life itself. The experience. The thrill. The beauty. All of which can be accessed by mere existence itself.