Apparently that Hadith is not Sahih. Muslim scholar say it is a lie invented to make Muhammad look bad.
edit: so referring to yeezevee. Is there any reason to think it is trustworthy? It would be kinda hard to believe anyone would follow Islam if Muhammad actually said that.
you are asking a question that explores
"THE ROOTS OF ISLAM" Siunaa Maailmaa.
Question is what is Sahih/authentic hadith and what is not and how do we or any one determines which statement is actually from Prophet of Islam and which hadith is not? Almost a billion Muslim folks are brain washed right from the age of 5 or so to believe that the collections of hadith by
Abū ‘Abd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Ismā‘īl ibn Ibrāhīm ibn al-Mughīrah ibn Bardizbah al-Ju‘fī al-Bukhārī (who was born on 19 July 810 – died on September 870) that Persian guy who was born almost 175 years after the death alleged Prophet as Islamic scholar and his hadith collection known as Sahih .
And for Sunni Muslims those collection of hadith is one of the most sahih (authentic) of all hadith compilations.Look at that how long that name is.. Was he really a Persian guy? I wonder..
So What are the requirements of a “Sahih” hadith?A connected Isnaad (chain) of narrators: Nobody narrates from their teacher's teacher, for example; everybody met in person and heard directly from the person who narrated to them.
All narrators are known, trustworthy, and righteous: They don't commit major sins in public. We know them (their biography), i.e. it's not "someone named X told me ..."
Precision and Accuracy of Narrators: All the narrators in the chain are known to have strong memories and narrate accurately.
Doesn't Conflict Quran and Known Hadith: /u] If there's one hadith that conflicts a well-known larger body of hadith, it can become rejected.
No Hidden Defects: This is a technical requirement, and refers to tadlees (subtly hiding who you are narrating the hadith from) among other things.
Now if we look at that hadith
we can already see an INDIRECT connection of it in Quran itself.. And we have plenty of hadith that are allegedly sahih and they are absolute bull Shiite stuff. We can find that in Bukhari nonsense.. So I am a believer and a Mosques going allah praying guy burn the hadith on mosques steps and
I just STICK TO QURAN and even that I will edit it..