Hi S.A.M. I would suggest that reality is everything that follows the laws of science. The laws of science are statements that describe, predict, and explain why, a range of phenomena behave as they appear to in nature. These laws fall into many natural scientific disciplines (e.g. physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy etc.).
Scientific laws can usually be formulated mathematically as one or several statements or equation, or at least stated in a single sentence, so that it can be used to predict the outcome of an experiment, given the initial, boundary, and other physical conditions of the processes which take place.
Religions have ridiculed scientific theories for centuries until the theory becomes a fact. A Religion will then try and interpret their religious text to support the new scientific discovery. It's the way it always has been and always will be.
Considering the Quran has been studied for over 1350 years, do you not think it's unusual that the billions of Muslims who have spent trillions of hours trying to interpret it, need Science to make the discovery first?
For example, in 2010 more evidence was discovered that supported the Big Bang Theory. This article shows that firing proton particles at each other at almost the speed of light creates powerful but microscopic bursts of energy mimicking conditions of the Big Bang that created the universe
http://m.phys.org/_news189152837.htmlNo Islamic Theologian described anything like the 'Big Bang Theory' before it was theorised. Even after the theory was first thought of in 1912, religious theologians mocked the theory as it went against the Bible and the Quran. However, now that more and more evidence supports this theory, the propaganda Islamists are starting to claim that the Quran supports the Big Bang theory which is a complete lie.
Religious theologians are also quick to mention any scientific discoveries or theories if they think it supports their religious text. However, that can lead to more problems and back fire. An example of this is the 'God particle':
In the Standard Model of particle physics, the fundamental forces of nature known to science arise from laws of nature called symmetries, and are transmitted by particles known as gauge bosons. The weak force's symmetry should cause its gauge bosons to have zero mass, but experiments show that the weak force's gauge bosons are actually very massive and short-ranging. Their very short range – a result of their mass – makes structures like atoms and stars possible, but it proved exceedingly difficult to find any way to explain their unexpected mass. Religious leaders jumped on this by explaining that because science can't explain it, then God must have done it.
However by the early 1960s, physicists had realised that a given symmetry law might not always be followed (or 'obeyed') under certain conditions. The Higgs mechanism is a mathematical model devised in 1964 that explains why and how gauge bosons could still be massive despite their governing symmetry. It showed that the conditions for the symmetry would be 'broken' if an unusual type of field happened to exist throughout space, and then the particles would be able to have mass.
This was only a theory of course and religious people have continued to call this the 'God Particle' in the mean time. However in 2012 scientists found real evidence of the Higgs boson (now previously known as the God Particle).
http://mobile.nytimes.com/2012/07/05/science/cern-physicists-may-have-discovered-higgs-boson-particle.html?pagewanted=allSince then more experiments have been carried out at the particle accelerator that greatly support the presence of the Higgs boson.
Do you not find it strange that everything we have seen and see in the Universe is exactly as it should be when taking into account all the scientific laws?
There are no supernatural forces at work so why do you feel the need to believe in a mythical supernatural entity that mustn't confirm to any of the scientific laws?
How can you believe that an omnipotent, omniscient God which is infinitely complex, just happened first and by chance? Do you really think that is more probable than the Bing Bang Theory or do you think God was created first and then it started the Big Bang?
Apologies for all the questions, I'm genuinely trying to understand the thought processes of religious people.
One last question, why does Allah demand you believe in it (disbelief in Allah is a worse sin than murder) when it has given no evidence to its existence? In fact it purposely gives evidence after evidence after evidence to its non existence but still expects you to believe in it. You will say it's because it's testing us but how cruel, unfair and just ridiculous is that.
Allah purposely gives us brains that are inquisitive and brains that naturally absorb evidence to help us make decisions. Yet it wants us to do the opposite of what our brains are designed to do and believe nonsensical and outdated superstitious old wives tales rather than scientific facts.
It seems that Allah punishes those with scientific minds, an example of this is if all atheists left the USA, it would loose 93% of the National Academy of Sciences (less than 1% of the prison population incidentally).
So Allah sends all these educated scientists to hell even though they've contributed far more to society than most Quranic theologians. Allah decides to send people who act like zombies to paradise because they believe all religious text without questioning any of it (I'm not suggesting you're like a zombie because I think you do question it but many religious people don't).
I also think I can disprove the existence of hell but I'll leave that for another time
