There has been some misunderstanding about this, because I thought I answered everything but I guess I have answered besides the point.
-So, I have many confirmed that I'm afraid of death.
-And yes, I confirmed many times that I'm afraid of death especially because of hell (though I'm slightly afraid of reincarnation or that everyhting just ends, but worst is obviously hell and it is the one which haunts me).
-I said that I see myself as quite good person, but according to many religions there are sins that I commit such as premarital sexuality, not condemning homosexuality, not praying or doing some rituals and not following that religion, thus I am terrible person according to these religions.
So is there something besides these that you wish to know?
Don't you mean "is there something besides these that you (Siunaa) need to know in order to solve your problem?"
In other words, what (knowledge) would solve your problem?
On a narrower topic, you said that you see yourself as good, but according to many religions some of what you do is considered bad. So that raises the question: Why do those religions think that some of the things you do are bad, when *you* think they are good?
This raises the question: IF those things are bad, THEN that means that they are harmful in some way. Do you agree with this? If not, why not?
If you agree with that, then my next question is: IF those things are harmful, THEN it's possible to explain the harm. Do you agree with this? If not, why not?
If you agree with that, then my next question is: IF you don't have an explanation for why something is harmful (and let's say that you searched for explanations for why the thing in question is harmful), THEN you should conclude that it's not harmful. Do you agree with this? If not, why not?
If you agree with that, then my next question is: IF you conclude that something is not harmful, and IF a religion claims that that something is a sin, THEN that means that the religion is wrong. Do you agree with this? If not, why not?
If you agree with that, then my next question is: IF you conclude that a religion is wrong on a specific moral question, and since the religion claims omniscience/infallibility/perfection, THEN that means that all the other claims of that religion are suspect, including it's claims that there exists one or more gods, heaven, hell, prophets, etc. Do you agree with this? If not, why not?