I should have put "in my opinion". Thought it would be understood, since once again we're having a discussion about opinions.
But rights aren't an opinion, they're legal guarantees. I mean if you think it should be a right, fine, but I find it very problematic.
So this "lack of ownership" ends up manifesting itself as what? Defaulting of ownership rights to the state, and hence their ability to prevent you from killing yourself? At the end of the day, someone exercises ownership, in the form of rights, coercion, or freedom thereof. For me, I'd rather it be the individual than external authorities.
No, it's just not owning yourself, or anyone owning you. It's quite easy. It's also easy to see how troublesome the concept of self-ownership can get, for example can you legally then sell yourself into slavery? I don't think we want to live in a world of slavery.
Again though, it's impossible to even own oneself anyway. You kind of remind me of those delusional libertarians who go on and on about individual freedom and autonomy, and then seek to remove the very conditions and laws that actually promote such things.
This video goes elucidates it far better than I could: youtube.com/watch?v=p8my-gLs5KU 13:15
Saying if you can't own yourself, someone else will, is simply ridiculous. This isn't even an old concept, some Native American tribes wouldn't be confused by what I'm saying. The reality is we're simply homesteading our bodies, we don't own them. It's a fantasy.
I don't think this is what the original question was referring to, but I might be wrong. In any case, I'm not one to simply reinforce the unexamined taboos of society. If there's not a rational basis for it being in existence then it ought to be scrutinized.
All groups of people and societies have taboos, for better or for worse. It's simply a fantasy to think otherwise. Are you against rape, murder, slavery, abuse, etc being taboo?
Not particularly. What is it?
That your distinction is ridiculous and arbitrary.