What I've been curious about for some time is these celestial see-through wenchbots.
I mean given that they're see-through, presumably they don't come equipped with innards you wouldn't want to look at. They'd have to be visually appealing all the way through.
Given that they're apparently supplied for endless fucking and come equipped with self-repairing hymens, exactly what else do they come equipped with, and what bits are missing? And what the fuck do they need hymens for anyway?
It seems logical that celestial wenchbots wouldn't have a digestive tract since that all looks rather gruesome on those tv shows during the pathology stuffz, especially when they go to check the stomach contents. Veins and all that would end up being a tad uggers too, along with ligaments, etc, plus there's no obvious reason for supernatual wenchbots to need ligaments either.
This leads to the question: are they hollow like balloons? They'd have no need for a uterus, so where does their pussy end? If you blow inside a celestial wenchbot does your jizz just bounce around inside her like a pinball machine? It'd be kinda cool if it did and they had lights and bells and stuff. You could have high score competitions with your mates, and it seems like the sort of thing that should exist given what else we know about the Islamic heaven.
Anyway, lotsa questions that so far insufficiently are answered by those who claim to know. This is not good enough.