A PhD student from Kingston University is looking for British and European Ex-Muslims who had converted to Islam as part of her research.
She wants to compare their experiences converting to Islam as well as their experiences when they left the religion.
I have exchanged emails with her and her supervisor who have assured me that this a genuine study and they are also aware of the need for the questionnaire to be completely anonymous. They understand the sensitive nature of the subject and the implications, and the research will be fully compliant with ethical standards.
The CEMB was copied in on emails, so Maryam is also aware of this.
If you are ok with having a face to face / phone interview, this would be great, otherwise the anonymous questionnaire is perfectly fine.The deadline is 7th April 2014 so hopefully we can find about 10-20 volunteers.
If you were a British / European convert and are interested in participating in the research, PM me and I will send you the Word document with the questions.