Random love poems
OP - March 27, 2014, 09:34 AM
"Come here, I want to tell you
I want to tell you a secret
Do you know what love is?
Because I do, I know what love is
Love, it is not a fairy tale
No, it is much more then that
Love is so real, love exists
It is so much more than just a feeling
Love is a commitment of the heart
It is the story your heart tells you
When no one else is listening
The whispers you hear at night
Love is the binding of two souls
Two halves, coming together as one
A force to be reckoned with
To grate the ebb and flow of life, together
Love is not fragile, love is strong
Love is not fickle, love is binding
Love is not an option, it is a promise
Love is not a game, it is not to be played
Love is not for the light hearted
It is not something you go looking for
Love finds you, when you are ready
It wraps itself around you
And beware of loves challenges
That will be presented to you
Your love will be tested, in the most gruesome manner
But the same love will guide you in the end
And for those unfortunate souls
Who are not meant to be
With the ones their souls are tied to
Is a pain, a crushing pain
That will start, like your heart
Expanded in your chest and erupted
And it will settle into dull thud
Resting with you, for eternity
So love is a serious affair
It is not for the faint hearted
Do not go in search of true love
If your heart can not handle loves pain"
"I Knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then." Alice in wonderland
"This is the only heaven we have how dare you make it a hell" Dr Marlene Winell