ohhh haha yeah, well i live with my parents in the hague, NL. Well, untill now life is ok as a double lifer, my parents arent that strict as they were before, because they know that they cant shout to me or beat me to pray or something, and with ramadan i just pretend, which isnt hard, because i am usually at school then or doing something with friends (or have a bag of candy somewhere in my room haha). So, i dont really feel like telling them anything.. Though, i have a boyfriend and he is like muslim, but raised with christianity too (his dad is muslim and his mum is christian), but he is a muslim (though he doesnt do like everything a muslim does, he doenst pray too and he doesnt do ramadan), we are dating for like 1,5 year right now, but i havent told him about me being exmuslim, though he is veryyyyy open minded. Just afraid of his reaction, maybe he wouldnt really like it or appreciate it.. Sometimes I wanna tell him, but then I dont dare to..
I am currently studying International Media and Entertainment Management at university, in my 2nd year right now, still have 2 more years to go, then I ll do masters. I ll be doing some minors next year in Belgium (Antwerp), Public relations, then I ll have my internship (i hope to do something with marketing).
Any more questions are welcome