Hiya and welcome! Parrot?

hi! yes parrot please

thank you for your warm welcome

Should, yes, but unfortunately it almost never works that way. I am married to a Muslim, and when I try to talk to him about these things, sometimes he will get completely stuck and have
nothing to say, and even admit that he thinks I am right about problem x or y with Islam, but he will just not let himself take the next step.
It's not a problem with the inability to see, I think, just the unwillingness to see.

It's better to just know yourself that you are out for the right reasons and doing the right thing, because, trust me, you can drive yourself crazy trying to justify your decisions to other Muslims...But! Either way, this forum will be here for you, everyone's great and always a huge help. Be sure to stick around!
that would be my biggest fear, the unwillingness to see.
at least i can convince myself without any doubt that islam is not from god.
it is nice to discuss with like minded people. only my agnostic girlfriend know that im an apostate, my parents know that im still looking for the truth. they believe that i will find the reason to believe in islam when i read the translation of quran and pray to Allah for hidayah. In fact, i read the translation find a lot of problem in it even before the third chapter. and i did pray for hidayah from Allah. my exact prayer is "Dear God, if you are there and you care, please show the clear and concrete evidence for the truth of Islam that I can't and I won't reject and definitely accept. Show me immediately since there is no reason for you to delay it and reject my prayer."
Apparently God doesn't show me any evidence at all. Thus, he is not there and Islam is not true.
I wonder what muslims will say if i told them about my prayer.
It is a great that people here are helpful, rational and really nice. This is home