Hmm, I am getting good grades but in psychology lel when I am a Comp Sci major so confused haha.
Looking for part time work. I keep applying. Any tips?
Also, does anyone else feel Muslims have this elitism? Like they look down on Westerners because "they do whatever they want, they are like animals, they eat whatever, they wear whatever clothes" ? I get along more with Westerners than Desis mainly because Westerners do not give a fuck even if you are religious, black, white or whatever in my experience.
And finally trying to connect better with girls and date but the fact that I am in uni and not working yet stops me add to the religious indoctrination which makes it all worse. Jeez, I would not have survived had I been a true Muslim.
They look down on one level cause they are not 'part of the tribe'; but my bfs parents have said 'Non-Muslims are better Muslims than Muslims' due to how they act and interact with others and help the needy. Also due to the fact that people are treated fairly.