I was calling them daash before, but ISIS came along and it was so much easier to pronounce. I can live with "Islamic State."
I really don't know about America's involvement. On one hand, I get why we're the guy you don't want showing up in Iraq again, and a lot of Americans have a huge reluctance on this basis alone. We went in Iraq before, and that was a huge mistake, so the second time will be a mistake, too.
Still, the planned no-troops methods and the situation couldn't be more different than the first time around, and I am inclined to think this will be better, but God knows we can't hit the broad side of a barn with our airstrikes and there are going to be innocent casualties. And then, of course, there's the question of when this would stop, if we would keep getting involved if some new mutant of IS cropped up after in this region where there is little stability to be had, and it all becomes a mess again.
But the emotional part of me is just glad that someone's going to go in there and wreck their party. It would be nice if the Iraqis could do it, if other Arab countries would do it, but that's not looking great right now, and the situation there is unspeakably dismal.
The one thing I do know for certain is regarding that Russian news story you posted, Yeez. Like Russia even cares how we approach Iraq or if we get someone's permission, they just don't want us around and messing with the paradigms. Have they been asking for permission for any of the junk they've been doing lately? Get outta here, Russia!