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 Topic: 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL

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  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1980 - April 01, 2015, 10:39 PM

    Saw that! No words! Eerie! Somewhat reminds me of the Lyre Bird which replicates sounds in its environment to attract females, they have started to replicate the sounds of chainsaws cutting down the forests in which they live. Creatures do react strongly to their environments!
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1981 - April 02, 2015, 12:15 PM

    So sad.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1982 - April 05, 2015, 04:17 AM

    ISIS thugs wreck ANOTHER historic site

    A shocking video has emerged of ISIS thugs using sledgehammers and AK-47 rifles to destroy walls and statues in Iraq's UNESCO World Heritage city of Hatra.  In the slickly produced seven minute footage, jihadists are shown smashing shrines and statues in the 2,000-year old city.   Militants are also recorded chipping away at the bases of some of the larger wall sculptures and cracking boulders into ancient city pillars, while eerie music plays in the background.

    The video cuts to jihadists speaking directly to the camera with one declaring they destroyed the site because it is 'worshipped instead of God'.  Elsewhere in the clip, ISIS thugs balanced precariously on ladders use a hammer to bang repeatedly on the back of carved faces on the side of the ancient walls until they topple with a crash to the ground.    They are also filmed blasting Kalashnikov rifles at artifacts in the city that was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1983 - April 08, 2015, 08:01 PM

    ISIS is really obsessed with the apocalypse
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1984 - April 08, 2015, 08:47 PM

    ISIS is really obsessed with the apocalypse

    It's statements like that from the top tier of ISIS that fuel the idea that there is no negotiation on this. They will fight to the death because unfortunately Islam can be argued to be a largely apocalyptic cult, indeed much of the Koranic and hadith dialogue is of apocalyptical nature, and the End Days are characterised as a war between them and us in which the Muslims will eventually triumph. 

    Can we change this?

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1985 - April 08, 2015, 09:48 PM

    No, not with IS types. They have to be contained so the viral-load they are possessed by doesn't spread and infect others. Either that or put them with others equally as convinced by their (different) world view. They would have to contend with that then.

    As for non-IS types, we need to ensure a multiplicity of influences and not promote faith or faiths as good and innocent. 
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1986 - April 08, 2015, 10:40 PM

    its so easy to find ISIS supporters on paltalk!
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1987 - April 09, 2015, 12:25 PM

    It's statements like that from the top tier of ISIS that fuel the idea that there is no negotiation on this. They will fight to the death because unfortunately Islam can be argued to be a largely apocalyptic cult, indeed much of the Koranic and hadith dialogue is of apocalyptical nature, and the End Days are characterised as a war between them and us in which the Muslims will eventually triumph. 

    Can we change this?

    Not unless someone invents a time machine, goes back to 7th century Arabia and strangles Mo at birth. I think we're stuck with it. Eventually the moderates will realise they can't defend it any longer, a small minority of them, that don't mind admitting 50% of it is bollocks, will try to establish a new Islam, but the majority, I think, will have no choice but to move to the right....and to an Islamic state, to avoid persecution and to continue their own persecuting.

    Ha Ha.
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1988 - April 09, 2015, 05:16 PM

    This throws an interesting light on the idea of an Islamic state, according to this guy, there is no Arabic, literally, for 'State, the nearest being 'community' (if correct). He talks a lot of sense. The story of his neighbour being murdered, while his colleagues did nothing, just because he wasn't Sunni, Shia, or whichever sect, is a particularly horrible, but good example of the realities of an islamic state.

    Ha Ha.
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1989 - April 11, 2015, 01:21 PM

    George Galloway  and Who?

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1990 - April 11, 2015, 10:25 PM


    well I will agree with that....

    ISIS impregnates 9-year-old

    A 9-year-old girl is pregnant after being raped by ISIS savages in Iraq, a report said. “The abuse she has suffered left her mentally and physically traumatized,” said Yousif Daoud, a Canadian-based aid worker who recently returned from the region. “This girl is so young she could die if she delivers a baby. Even cesarean section is dangerous.”

    At least 10 different men with the Islamic State were said to have sexually assaulted the child, the Toronto Star reported. “Most of them were front-line fighters or suicide bombers who are given girls as a reward,” Daoud explained. “She was in very bad shape.”

    The young girl was one of over 200 Yazidi women and children to be released this week after spending eight months captive in the hands of the extremists, according to the Canadian newspaper.

    Daoud claimed that many of the women and young girls who were set free by ISIS would be shamed when reunited with their families, due to suspicions that they had been defiled by the militants.

    “If they are married, their husbands won’t take them back if they are pregnant,” he said. “And it’s clear that the babies will never be accepted.”
    “I don’t know what the future would be for their babies,” Daoud added. “The girls and women don’t want them. They have suffered so much they just want to forget.”

    The 9-year-old girl has been transported by a Kurdish aid group to a medical charity in Germany, according to the Toronto Star. She will be looked after there until her baby arrives

    well That is the news from  "The Islamic Sickos & Islamic  Scoundrels"  ISIS  ..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1991 - April 11, 2015, 10:45 PM

    Well its not like their prophet never did anything similar! No, he was a great man! (Sarcasm)

    Seriously, pump shit (Islam) in, get shit (actions) out!
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1992 - April 12, 2015, 05:52 PM

    Is ISIS medieval?
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1993 - April 12, 2015, 06:30 PM

    Well its not like their prophet never did anything similar! No, he was a great man! (Sarcasm)

    Wasn't he just. For a ages I allowed myself to believe that because it was 'a long time ago', somehow that made it possible for miracles to happen, and for it to be ok for old bearded religious men to have sex with little kids. It seems ridiculous now that my brain somehow linked all that stuff in the dusty old holy books with dinosaurs, which don't exist anymore either, and so if they are real, then miracles could be too....and maybe it was ok for bearded old religious men to 'marry' 6 year olds. Being almost fully grown up now, I can see very clearly that 'the prophet' was just indulging himself and his sexual fantasies, simply because he could, along with the best justification EVER ('hang on, I'll just go and check with Allah, back in a sec....hey! guess what? I CAN accept your daughter, o praise be!')! 

    I think anyone that genuinely admires/respects this guy, has not really considered what it would mean to have a friend around today, who on one hand seems so well organised and full of good ideas, and quotable wisdoms, but who also would demand of you, on a whim (or because God told him) that your beautiful, sweet six year daughter be handed over for his pleasure NOW. I can't see any situation in which I could respect a complete pyscho like that, no matter how good he was at, well, anything. I can see a similarity between Uday Hussein and Mo. Is there a political/religious leader who you could liken the prophet to? We're taking calls on that in a minute, but first, here's The Tweets with The Birdy Song......

    Ha Ha.
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1994 - April 12, 2015, 10:03 PM


    well I will agree with that....

    ISIS impregnates 9-year-old

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    well That is the news from  "The Islamic Sickos & Islamic  Scoundrels"  ISIS  ..

    This story deeply saddens me  Cry
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1995 - April 12, 2015, 10:08 PM

    For ages I allowed myself to believe that because it was 'a long time ago', somehow that made it possible for miracles to happen, and for it to be ok for old bearded religious men to have sex with little kids. It seems ridiculous now that my brain somehow linked all that stuff in the dusty old holy books with dinosaurs, which don't exist anymore either, and so if they are real, then miracles could be too....and maybe it was ok for bearded old religious men to 'marry' 6 year olds.

     I believed that too. My Islamic teachers refused to see anything wrong with it and in turn that made me think there was nothing wrong with it too. The excuse of "that was the norm in those days" simply doesn't make it okay. ISIS and others are doing the exact same now and it obviously isn't normal in this day and age. Really makes me sick and mad finmad
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1996 - April 12, 2015, 10:31 PM

    That was a really interesting read.
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1997 - April 13, 2015, 03:25 PM
    The Palestinians of Yarmouk and the shameful silence when Israel is not to blame

    Finding my family in Yarmouk — then losing them again
    Those who do not have family members in Syria’s refugee camps can watch the atrocities taking place on the news from far away, as if it were all just one big Hollywood horror movie: one that causes deep anguish for just a few hours. But those who do have family and friends living on Haifa Street—the main road in Damascus’ Yarmouk refugee camp—or those who receive a photo of a body that looks an awful lot like an acquaintance of yours, the news coming out of Syria leaves a deep, psychological scar that is nearly impossible to deal with.

    My parents, who were born when the State of Israel was founded, raised us on the backdrop of a story of refugees, the expulsion of the Palestinian people and the remains of a Galilee village that stand like a monument. Without photos, names or the residents themselves. We knew that most of our family is over there in Syria and Lebanon, and that we are here.

    However, things have changed over the last few years due to social networks. I wasn’t the only one to discover those around whom I was supposed to grow up. I found relatives who are similar to my father, whose looks explain the shape of my nose or my late uncle’s full, straight hair. We got excited as we Skyped with people who told us all the latest stories and gossip. We learned who married whom; who found a Syrian wife who agreed to marry a Palestinian refugee; who is cheap and who cooks well; who studied medicine and who is the brilliant engineer. We learned that our village is alive and kicking in Syria.

    Almost every Palestinian village destroyed in 1948 has its own Facebook group. The streets in Al-A’adin (“the returnees”) and Yarmouk are named after the different villages and cities that used to be home to the refugees: Tiberias, Haifa, Acre, Lubya, Al-Juwara and more. Our village even has its own women’s group on Facebook.

    The Syrian Civil War erupted just as we began to build our virtual village and dream of our return. The horrifying battles have raged on for the past four years—four years of murder, kidnapping, Assad’s brutal thugs, his opponents and Syrian blood that keeps on spilling. Two years in which the Palestinian refugee camps were able to maintain “neutrality.” They are not part of the fighting, and that is what matters. They even told us that rebels had been hiding out in the camp, since it was safer there.

    But slowly, Facebook went black and people disappeared from our screens. We breathlessly tracked the young ones who disappeared, before finding out that they were tortured, sometimes to death. Some returned, others didn’t. Some fled after their parents sold all their possessions to save their children, and waited until someone sent them a signal from anywhere in the world, letting them know that their children were safe.

    As he fled from Syria on death boats that were supposed to take him to Greece, one of my cousins found himself swimming to an unknown country. He was caught by a gang of criminals in a Serbian forest who stole his money and clothing. They even took his shoes, he told us as he cried on the telephone, calling us from a police station to ask for a few dollars that would keep him alive. These kinds of stories are considered “success stories,” but they are nothing compared to the photos of victims and funerals, and this awful war whose end is nowhere in sight.

    One of the most difficult descriptions of the situation in Yarmouk comes from a survivor who identifies as a Palestinian Syrian: “My feeling of helplessness is similar to someone sending you a video of your sister being gang-raped, and you insist on watching until the end. Perhaps the ending will include some kind of unexpected twist; maybe your sister will grow a pair of large wings and turn into a dragon that kills all of her rapists. That is how you know yourself, a Palestinian, a fictional tale, that is what they told you since you were a child. Always gamble on the off-chance you will turn into a brave monster that will destroy all your enemies and rapists. It’s time to erase that option from your thoughts.”

    That is how I feel today, as a Palestinian who was previously opposed to describing the occupation as “rape” and Palestine as the woman. Today there is no better description as the women of Palestine and Syria are being raped every day by members of the Islamic State and others, while Yarmouk is being destroyed and attacked by everyone.

    After Palestine survived the occupation of 1948 by a brutal army, most of the Palestinian people were spread out among neighboring countries. Some fled and settled in different parts of the world. We survived massacre after massacre: Black September in Jordan, Sabra and Shatila in Lebanon, Nahr al-Bared, Balata, Gaza, Jenin. And now Yarmouk in Syria. And it doesn’t matter anymore. It doesn’t matter who is to blame or who started. And all this happens with the funding of Israel, the United States or Iran.

    In these difficult times I remember how Sajara, an artist and sculptor from our village, sent me a photo of a wooden sculpture he made out of wood. The sculpture depicts a beautiful Palestinian woman who is hollow on the inside. “Everyone has bitten off a piece, until it is completely empty,” he explained to me. My eyes filled up with tears. “I want this statue,” I wrote in a text message. “It is under the rubble in the camp,” he responded, “When we are liberated and can return to our village, I will make one especially for you, Samah. I promise.”

    I haven’t heard from him since.

  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1998 - April 13, 2015, 06:11 PM

    Unravelling the media spin on Yarmouk
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #1999 - April 15, 2015, 12:51 AM

    They shuould teach the failures of the caliphates to undermine jihadi propaganda.
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #2000 - April 15, 2015, 03:03 PM

    They shuould teach the failures of the caliphates to undermine jihadi propaganda.

      Skywalker  open a folder and teach me   "the failures of the caliphates"    or the The Caliphate Delusion  of  educated Muslim fools from west . The so-called   ...hiz  butt   ahrir  ....

    hiz  butt butt   forum .......... my foot.... IDIOTS........

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #2001 - April 15, 2015, 03:55 PM

    Start with the first and second Fitna, all the way through the era of the caliphates, and end with the Sick man of Europe.
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #2002 - April 15, 2015, 04:37 PM

    New Islamic State movie - 'We will burn America... again', a bit crap, apparently, according to this 'review', below. It seems they've claimed 9/11 as 'theirs'.  Al-Furquan Media conspicuous by their absence - which probably means the only talented teccy guys they had, have been bombed, or accused of being gay. Loving the big cage they've constructed in Raqqa for the smokers, and other enemies of the state.

    Ha Ha.
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #2003 - April 15, 2015, 05:52 PM

    I'm just waiting on the islamic version of Life of Brian.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #2004 - April 15, 2015, 08:33 PM

    Start with the first and second Fitna, all the way through the era of the caliphates, and end with the Sick man of Europe.

    The nostalgia of the Caliphate is strong. It is amazing how many will talk about the glories of Spain or Baghdad without realizing they were rivals and enemies. Heck invasion of the remnants of the Spain Caliphate was authorized by the Caliph in Baghdad
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #2005 - April 15, 2015, 09:19 PM

    Its remarkable how little is known in the muslim world about Islamic history. The success of those trying to bring back the caliphate depends on this ignorance. They've also wasted no time in blaming secularism for all the failings in the islamic world.
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #2006 - April 15, 2015, 11:41 PM

    Audio interview with Bernard Haykel

    Contemporary Islam considered: a deep look into ISIS
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #2007 - April 16, 2015, 10:35 AM

    Another thing that should be done is to undermine the salafi ideology that produces a very disproportionate number of the jihadis. Arabic(and non arabic) speaking non muslims,that know Islam, should debate as many salafi clerics as possible,especially those that hold jihadi views. The debate topic should focus on contradictions in the Quran and hadith,scientific errors and the character of the prophet of Islam. The salafi movements tries to keep others in line, undermining their confidence can effect not only the jihadi movement, but also those outside the salafi movement.
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #2008 - April 16, 2015, 10:48 AM

    Aaron Hughes - ISIS: What’s a Poor Religionist to Do?
    ISIS presents scholars of religion with a real problem. Rather than use the Islamic State as an opportunity to nuance the way we talk about religion in public discourse, this self-described caliphate has instead exposed some of the failures endemic to the discipline as currently conceived. Squabbling over whether members of ISIS (or Boko Haram or al-Qaeda, and so on) are “real” or “fake” Muslims takes us to the heart of an intractable debate plaguing the study of religion.

    What do we do with those social actors who appeal to a version of religion that we find uncomfortable? How are we to react to groups that operate on a completely different moral and theological level from ours? The study of religion gives us little to draw upon. This is why we see limited nuance and instead are bombarded by secular scholars of religion — and many scholars of Islam, in particular — who simply accuse members of ISIS of takfīr, that is, of being unbelievers or apostates. This, of course, is not unlike what such groups do to Muslims with whom they disagree....

    Also by Aaron Hughes:

    Many scholars of Islam are interested in creating a liberal, inclusive, pluralistic, feminist, and modern version of the religion that they believe to be explicit in the pages of the Qur'an, but missed by earlier interpreters. In so doing, they create "good" Islam and, in the process, seek to define what does and does not get to count as authentic. As the purveyors of what they now believe to be veritable Islam, they subsequently claim that rival presentations are bastardizations based either on Orientalism and Islamophobia (if one is a non-Muslim) or misogyny and homophobia (if one is a Muslim that disagrees with them). Instead of engaging in critical scholarship, they engage in a constructive and theological project that they deceive themselves into thinking is both analytical and empirical. This book provides a hard-hitting examination of the spiritual motivations, rhetorical moves, and political implications associated with these apologetical discourses. It argues that what is at stake is relevance, and examines the consequences of engaging in mythopoesis as opposed to scholarship.
  • 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL
     Reply #2009 - April 16, 2015, 10:34 PM

    Mohamad Ballan - The Islamic State’s Destruction of Shrines in Historical Perspective
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