Is it just me, or does any one else think that Klingschor's videos are a bit OTT?
He's seems quite knowledgeable on Islam and I think he generally gives a fairer and more factual representation of Islam, but his weakness is that too many of his videos are dedicated towards criticizing other critics of Islam.
For example he made an 18 minute video which rebukes Christian polemic Jay Smith. A bit pointless don't you think? I didn't even know who Jay Smith was before watching the video. Also it just gives Jay Smith all the more attention that he deserves
: is another video where he criticizes Thunderf00t. He totally missed every point Thunderfoot was trying to make, and took every statement far too literally!: Don't get me wrong - The videos he makes are very eye catching - and are usually of a very good quality with regards to the graphics and everything, but I really do think that he channels his energy in the wrong way. I really don't give a f***k about what Jay Smith or Thunderf00t say, I rather he made an 18 minute video which destroys William Lane Tzortzis, Adnan Rashid, Abdurraheem Green, or perhaps iERA as a whole.