Hello everyone

I'm a British ex-Muslim and I've been a apostate for about 3 years now and an agnostic before that.
Only a couple of my good friends are aware - the more people I tell the higher the risk of my family finding out.
[I still live with my family.]
Glad I'll be able to speak freely here.

As a young child I struggled with Islam because it was so restrictive.
I wasn't allowed to sing songs. Wasn't allowed to whistle. Wasn't allowed to dance. Wasn't allowed to wear my hair open.
^The above activities would apparently result in Shaytaan taking a leak on me

Now I see it's so much worse than that.
Hooking it's followers and keeps them in line with threats of eternal damnation in the hell-fire.
My grandmother is in her late sixties and does kazaa of all the Salaah she missed [about 30 years worth]. She does this because she has nightmares that she's going to be asked in her grave "Why didn't you read your Salaah?"

There are many reasons why left Islam, but guess the main one is the
lack of logic behind so many of it's laws and rulings.
I'll leave it at that!
Now, can anyone tell me how to get permission to change my profile settings?