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 Topic: Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams

 (Read 51125 times)
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  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #300 - July 14, 2014, 01:43 PM

    Many other Koranist will simply walk away. But that is not good. Prophets do not walk away and shrug their shoulders.

    I don't know, he really might be, Naz. Bigmo, you're up there demanding never to be called arrogant again, and then here this is the second time on this forum you've likened yourself to a prophet.

    Ease up on the victory parade, bigmo. Besides lacking the ability to see how you've proved nothing during your time here, you never responded to a single comment that you didn't have an easy answer for. Just like I can't go to a university and skip all the hard classes and call myself a graduate of that program, you can't come in here and ignore all the hard parts and claim you won a debate.

    Finally, you don't get banned for being wrong, or you wouldn't have lasted this long. You get banned for harassing a vulnerable member through repeat warnings to stop, or from otherwise breaking the forum rules. Don't act like you're going down in a blaze of honor, persecuted for stating the truth. You're going to be banned for acting like an asshole. Grin
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #301 - July 14, 2014, 01:46 PM

    Bigmo has still to answer at least one question of mine, whether that be about the contradictory verses he did not want to explain to me how he could reconcile them or exactly how "we" ex-Muslims here on the forum have been offensive or share views of Muslim-hating far right wing nutjobs.

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #302 - July 14, 2014, 01:53 PM

    ^ I've seen a lot of responses to bigmo that are pretty much nails in the coffin, specifically ones from you, Zaotar, Hassan and Berberella, and he never addresses them at all.

    It seems Bigmo fancies himself a great debater, but he must mostly just do this on the internet, otherwise he would have had the nasty shock of realizing that ignoring the other person isn't a valid debating technique anywhere but on internet forums where you can claim victory and retreat back into the shadows. Grin
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #303 - July 14, 2014, 01:54 PM

    Who are you to say what my life was like. What makes you think my life was any different. It probably was worse, the only difference I don't believe in taking it out on others. That is cowardice and evil.

    I hate it when people think their life is any more miserable than others. What makes you think your life is any more different than anybody else. Anyone who has time to rant in the net lived a privileged life. All of us here are very lucky.

    Never call me an arrogant person again. You don't know me.

    Cool no problem..    if you've had it tough then you should have shown some sensitivity towards others feelings on here..   Anyways..

    : )

  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #304 - July 14, 2014, 02:06 PM

    Who are you to say what my life was like. What makes you think my life was any different. It probably was worse, the only difference I don't believe in taking it out on others. That is cowardice and evil.

    Yes that is a fact., unlike Big MO,  You all guys here are taking your anger at  religious ideologies /religious stupidities that are prevalent in the society for no good reason but because of blind unquestionable belief.   STOP IT .. STOP THAT ANGER  finmad
    I hate it when people think their life is any more miserable than others. What makes you think your life is any more different than anybody else. Anyone who has time to rant in the net lived a privileged life. All of us here are very lucky.

    Never call me an arrogant person again. You don't know me.

    See   Bigmo life is as miserable as any believer., Well don't worry about  Bigmo .,  Yes You are a lucky guy .,

    So you are not arrogant but then what should I call  you?

    Stupid or acting smart and trying to prove every one in this forum are angry and stupid?  

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #305 - July 14, 2014, 02:41 PM

    The problem for many here is they feel the need to defeat me and prove me wrong. They usually claim I have the intention to sugar coat Islam but they never consider that they have the need to put grease on it. In the end without the Sunnah and abrogation I can never be defeated. I have done this so many times. My agenda in the end is to educate.

    Do you honestly think that you are succeeding in this endeavour?

    You duck the hard questions, and frankly, you come across as someone on a wierd power-performance trip ( is this really all about people trying to "defeat you"? ).
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #306 - July 14, 2014, 03:46 PM

    Just face it Bigmo, nobody here is interested in what you're saying and they're not out to "defeat" you as you put it. They've left Islam and they DO NOT want to return to it or listen to you trying to justify it.  Get it! Get out of here if that's all you're interested in doing before you DO get banned!

    "The greatest general is not the one who can take the most cities or spill the most blood. The greatest general is the one who can take Heaven and Earth without waging the battle." ~ Sun Tzu

  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #307 - July 14, 2014, 03:51 PM

    Do you honestly THINK that you are succeeding in this endeavour?

    You duck the hard questions, and frankly, you come across as someone on a wierd power-performance trip ( is this really all about people trying to "defeat you"? ).

    Yes I actually do. Unfortunately it was not that educational for me. I have shown how the Quran only recognizes defensive war, how it sees freedom as a God given right to humans to test them, how a Koranist can view homosexuality, how the Quran recognizes authority especially over an individual and how the Quran only recognizes proportionate justice meaning an eye should be for an eye and not an eye lash.

    These are big differences between Quranic Islam and Sectarian Islam.
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #308 - July 14, 2014, 03:58 PM

    ................I have shown

    ............. how the Quran only recognizes defensive war, how it sees freedom as a God given right to humans to test them, how a Koranist can view homosexuality, how the Quran recognizes authority especially over an individual and how the Quran only recognizes proportionate justice meaning an eye should be for an eye and not an eye lash.

    These are big differences between Quranic Islam and Sectarian Islam.

    well  From Quran,  you are showing people ., Stars, blue sky and NAKED ANGLES swimming in the honey..

    That is not the point Bigmo.,

    Question is when and where and what time this Quranic Islam is practiced since the day Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) moved to Yatrib.   ?? , and

     When and where and which time this Quranic Islam is practiced since the death  of  Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)?

    that is the question to answer..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #309 - July 14, 2014, 03:59 PM

    Salaam Alaik, BigMo.

    I hope you are well. The notion of Qur’anism is one that caught my interest as well in my last few years as a Muslim. While I ultimately found its arguments to be ill-supported and far-fetched from my perspective, the tenacity with which you defend the position is intriguing.

    I am something of a religion nerd. I have always been interested in the subjects of theology and religious scripture. My formal training is in classical Qur’anic Arabic (Islamic University, Madinah, KSA). I have also memorized something like ¾ of the Muslim holy book with scholars whose authorizations to teach (ijaazah) stretch back to the first centuries of Islamic history. (Specifically, I learned tarteel and tafseer under credited scholars from Syria, Yemen, Algeria, and Saudi Arabia.) For better or for worse, there is probably not a book on the planet that I am more familiar with than the Qur’an.

    While that is my background, my curiosity in the subject has led me to research the book from other angles as well, including from the perspectives of re-interpretationists, non-literalists, skeptics, and non-believers. While I no longer believe in the divine origin of the Qur’an, I still find this sort of discussion both engaging and fulfilling.

    As such, I’d like to invite you to a civil discussion on the nature of the Qur’an and why you believe it to be a guide of divine origin.  Taking into consideration your track record so far on this forum, I propose that we both agree at the onset to abide by forum rules, to abstain from patronizing and condescending language, and to ADDRESS EACH POINT RAISED to the best of our abilities. As I see you have been put on restriction, I invite you to start a thread in the one on one debate section of the forum. Should you accept the invitation, I think it would be a good way to present your views to the world and to have them scrutinized and evaluated. While you clearly feel strongly about your own convictions, I challenge you to see if you can persuade an audience who have not reached the same conclusions. The same will, obviously, be true for my views as well.

    From my perspective, your first feat is to prove that the Qur’an is indeed from a divine source. As you will presumably be arguing that proposition in the affirmative, I think it is only right that I let you begin by stating your case. Out of respect to both of our precious time, I propose a debate in the following format:

    Bigmo opening statement
    Happymurtad opening statement
    Bigmo rebuttal
    Happymurtad rebuttal
    Bigmo closing argument
    Happymurtad closing argument
    Open entertaining of issues raised in in the “ringside” section.

    If you are indeed serious about civilly discussing your views, I’ll wait for you to start the thread.

    You know what is really intriguing is me having to repeat myself over and over again and yet get told I am not answering the questions beings asked.

    I said before the question of the origins of the Quran and also the existence of God are matters of FAITH. It is not something that can be proven or calculated. The Quran says that faith is in God's hands.

    The Koran tells us that prophets split the ocean, raised the dead and people still did not believe them.

    I am here to educate. If I was trying to convert people as some here think this is the last forum I will come to. I will go to a Muslim or Christian forum where people have faith in religion and God. I just by coincidence came across some posts from here and realized the Quran is being talked about without quoting the Koran proper.

    Whether you believe or not is not my concern, whether you understand the Quran and what it has to say or not is my concern.
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #310 - July 14, 2014, 04:01 PM

    well  From Quran,  you are showing people ., Stars, blue sky and NAKED ANGLES swimming in the honey..

    That is not the point Bigmo.,

    Question is when and where and what time this Quranic Islam is practiced since the day Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) moved to Yatrib.   ?? , and

     When and where and which time this Quranic Islam is practiced since the death  of  Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)?

    that is the question to answer..

    Quranic Islam was practiced before Sunni or Shia Islam came to be. They were known as the Mutaziltes and some called them Ahlul Al-Kalam. Many Muslims are probably Quranist but do not know that.
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #311 - July 14, 2014, 04:04 PM

    You know what is really intriguing is me having to repeat myself over and over again and yet get told I am not answering the questions beings asked.

    I said before the question of the origins of the Quran and also the existence of God are matters of FAITH. It is not something that can be proven or calculated. The Quran says that faith is in God's hands.

    The Koran tells us that prophets split the ocean, raised the dead and people still did not believe them.

    I am here to educate. If I was trying to convert people as some here think this is the last forum I will come to. I will go to a Muslim or Christian forum where people have faith in religion and God. I just by coincidence came across some posts from here and realized the Quran is being talked about without quoting the Koran proper.

    Whether you believe or not is not my concern, whether you understand the Quran and what it has to say or not is my concern.

    I honestly don’t care what you believe, either. You are free to believe whatever you like. I invited you to discuss your views in a civil debate that would be on record, but I’m beginning to think you aren’t interested in actually having your views challenged.

    You are no prophet and we need no savior. I’m interested in the subject of religion which is the only reason I proposed to engage with you. If you’d like to discuss, as academics do, my offer still stands.
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #312 - July 14, 2014, 04:06 PM

    Quranic Islam was practiced before Sunni or Shia Islam came to be.

    I am asking time and Place .. does that mean it was during the time of Rightly guided Caliphs? The four horse men., The Two father in-laws and two son in-laws of Prophet?

    They were known as the Mutaziltes and some called them Ahlul Al-Kalam. Many Muslims are probably Quranist but do not know that.

    You are just a  Free-Minds.Org  .. guy.,

    Off course you must have the right to preach QURAN ONLY ISLAM.,  but  talk is cheap without proof...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #313 - July 14, 2014, 04:08 PM

    Just face it Bigmo, nobody here is interested in what you're saying and they're not out to "defeat" you as you put it. They've left Islam and they DO NOT want to return to it or listen to you trying to justify it.  Get it! Get out of here if that's all you're interested in doing before you DO get banned!

    I already know some here don't want to hear what i say and ask questions to make me run around all day. Thank you for being honest.

    But i disagree about whether they are the majority. They are a tiny minority who post all the time. The silent majority finds my posts interesting.

    I don't care about being banned. It is going to happen anyways as my threads are getting too popular.

    Remember what i said about low tolerance

    1. Jewish neocons
    2. Sunnis
    3. Atheist
    4. Shias
    5. Christians

    At least that has been my experience.
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #314 - July 14, 2014, 04:11 PM

    I am asking time and Place .. does that mean it was during the time of Rightly guided Caliphs? The four horse men., The Two father in-laws and two son in-laws of Prophet?
    You are just a  Free-Minds.Org  .. guy.,

    Off course you must have the right to preach QURAN ONLY ISLAM.,  but  talk is cheap without proof...

    Read some of my earlier posts where I quoted secular historians and how they see the development of Islam.
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #315 - July 14, 2014, 04:14 PM

    ..................I don't care about being banned. It is going to happen anyways as my threads are getting too popular.

    Remember what i said about low tolerance

    1. Jewish neocons
    2. Sunnis
    3. Atheist
    4. Shias
    5. Christians

    At least that has been my experience., no one is going to ban you.. they restrict you to certain thread .. but please change the order of your list  it should be this way..

    1. neocons
    2. Sunnis
    4. Shias
    5. Christians
    6). Juice
    xyz groups..

    Then in the last you should add "Atheists "

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #316 - July 14, 2014, 04:15 PM

    Read some of my earlier posts where I quoted secular historians ................

    well link the posts

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #317 - July 14, 2014, 04:27 PM

    You said you read the Quran so what exactly do you want me to say? You want me to show why I believe its divine. Or why i believe in God?

    If you want to know what the Quran says about something than i am ready. Reading the Quran or even memorizing is not the same as being a Koranist. Being a Koranist is about understanding the deen based on the Quran which is not what the Islamic sects do.

    Come out of proselytizing mode for a moment. What I am offering you is a chance to formally discuss the propositions you are putting forward with someone who is familiar with and interested in the subject. From my perspective, the first place to start would be tackling the question, “Is the Qur’an Divine.” I’d like to hear your arguments for why you think it is, then I’ll put forward my arguments for why I think it isn’t. I don’t expect to convince you. It is a debate in the spirit of discussion. Once that is done, we can debate another topic of our own choosing. I have no problems with having my views challenged and I assume in good faith that you do not either.

    As for you getting banned, I can assure you that if you abide by forum rules, you will not be banned. Believe it or not, we’ve had people here with what we would call wackier views than yours, and we engaged them. You were restricted for not respecting a member’s intro thread and for patronizing our members who may have had horrific experiences under the faith you defend. If you can avoid doing that, and avoid viewing us as lost sheep that need you to come and rescue us, I think we might be able to get somewhere. So, for the 3rd time, do you accept my invitation?
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #318 - July 14, 2014, 04:45 PM

    well link the posts

    For a Summary

    The need of creating some kind of theoretical justification for what so far had been an instinctive reliance on the opinions of the majority, led, from the first decades of the second/eighth century onwards, to the living tradition being retrojected, and to its being ascribed to some of the great hgures of the past. This process, too, began in Kufa, where the stage of doctrine achieved in the time of Hammad b. Abi Sulayman (d. I20/738) was attributed to Ibrahim al-Nakha'i (d. 95-6/7I3-I5). The Medinese followed suit and retrojected their own teaching to a number of ancient authorities who had died about the turn of the century, some of whom later became known as the 'seven jurists of Medina'. At the same time as the doctrine of the school of Kufa was retrospectively attributed to Ibrahim al-Nakha'i, a similar body of doctrine was directly connected with the very beginnings of Islam in Kufa by being attributed to Ibn Mas'ud, a Companion of the Prophet who had come to live in that city, and Ibrahim al-Nakha'i became the main transmitter of that body of doctrine, too. In the same way, other Companions of the Prophet became the eponyms of the schools of Medina and of Mecca. One further step in the search for a solid theoretical foundation of the doctrine of the ancient schools was taken in 'Iraq, very early in the second/eighth century, when the term ' Sunna of the Prophet ' was transferred from its political and theological into a legal context, and identified with the sunna, the ideal practice of the local community and the corresponding doctrine of its scholars. This term, which was taken over by the school of Syria, expressed the axiom that the practice of the Muslims derived from the practice of the Prophet, but it did not as yet imply the existence of positive information in the form of ' Traditions ' (Hadith), that the Prophet by his words or acts had in fact originated or approved any particular practice. It was not long before these Traditions, too, came into existence, and the persons who put them into circulation were the Traditionists.

    The ancient schools of law themselves represented, in one aspect, an Islamic opposition to popular andadministrativepracticeunderthe later Umayyads, and the opposition group which developed into the Traditionist movement emphasized this tendency. As long as a Companion of the Prophet had been the final authority for the doctrine of a school on a particular point, it was sufficient for a divergent doctrine to be put under the aegis of another Companion of equal or even higher authority, as happened in Kufa where all kinds of minority opinions were attributed to the Caliph 'Ali, who had made Kufa his capital. But after the general authority of the Prophet himself had been invoked by identifying the established doctrine with his sunna, a more specific reference to him was needed, and there appeared detailed statements or 'Traditions' which claimed to be the reports of ear- or eye-witnesses on the words or acts of the Prophet, handed down orally by an uninterrupted chain of trustworthy persons. Very soon the emphasis shifted from proposing certain opinions in opposition to the ancient schools to disseminating Traditions from the Prophet as such, and the movement of the Traditionists, which was to develop into a separate branch of Islamic religious learning, came into being. It was the main thesis of the Traditionists that formal Traditions from the Prophet superseded the living tradition of the school. The Traditionists existed in all great centres of Islam, where they formed groups in opposition to, but nevertheless in contact with, the local schools of law. Initially the ancient schools offered strong resistance to the disturbing element represented by the Traditions, but they had no real defence against their rising tide; they had to express their own doctrines in Traditions which allegedly went back to the Prophet, and to take increasing notice of the Traditions produced by their opponents. Finally the outlines and many details of Islamic law were cast into the form of Traditions from the Prophet. In this way, one of the greatest and most successful literary fictions came into being.

    Joseph Schacht - Islamic Law chapter 4.
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #319 - July 14, 2014, 05:02 PM

    For a Summary....

    ................ This process, too, began in Kufa, where the stage of doctrine achieved in the time of Hammad b. Abi Sulayman (d. I20/738) was attributed to Ibrahim al-Nakha'i (d. 95-6/7I3-I5). The Medinese followed suit and retrojected their own teaching ............

    Joseph Schacht - Islamic Law chapter 4.

    Ok I will read that Joseph Schacht ., but   that is not a link to your posts neither it is history of Islam before Shia-Sunni split..  You must be knowing the Tragedy of Karabla  or you don't want to know??  You seem to be making early Islamic history as you go by  according to your own wishes..

    ..............Al-Ḥusayn ibn `Alî ibn Abî Ṭâlib (Arabic: الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب‎‎; 11 or 13 January 626 CE – 13 October 680 CE) (3rd / 5th Sha'aban 4 AH – 10th Muharram 61 AH), sometimes spelled Hussein, was the son of Ali ibn Abi Ṭalib (fourth Rashidun Caliph of Sunni Islam, and first Imam of Shia Islam) and Fatimah Zahra  ..  He was killed and beheaded in the Battle of Karbala in 680 (61 AH) by Shimr Ibn Thil-Jawshan, along with most of his family and companions. .............

    and what you are saying  about Mu'tazilites or followers  Ahlul Al-Kalam., THE HERETICS OF ISLAM is in the 8th century..  It is Not "Quran only Islam" neither it is early Islam.,  It is close to 200 years after the death of Muhammad (PBUH)..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #320 - July 14, 2014, 05:21 PM

    "and what you are saying  about Mu'tazilites or followers  Ahlul Al-Kalam., THE HERETICS OF ISLAM is in the 8th century..  It is Not "Quran only Islam" neither it is early Islam.,  It is close to 200 years after the death of Muhammad (PBUH).."

    Why do you have the need to automatically oppose me in anything I say?
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #321 - July 14, 2014, 05:27 PM

    You keep being told you avoid answering responses because you do avoid them. Latest example: like I told her you wouldn't, I didn't see you respond to Berberella's question about the potential for great physical harm to an adolescent but "mentally mature- can understand the Quran 100%" girl during intercourse. You just blathered on and kept reading from you cue cards about what you think the Quran said, and that did not answer the question.

    The fact that you think you're doing anything but harming the name of Islam and Quranism is laughable and almost makes me think you're acting a fool on purpose.
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #322 - July 14, 2014, 05:27 PM

    "and what you are saying  about Mu'tazilites or followers  Ahlul Al-Kalam., THE HERETICS OF ISLAM is in the 8th century..  It is Not "Quran only Islam" neither it is early Islam.,  It is close to 200 years after the death of Muhammad (PBUH).."

    Why do you have the need to automatically oppose me in anything I say?

    Don't take any notice of Yezeeve, Bigmo. He's totally crackers  grin12

    Here's a hug for you Bigmo you big cuddly momo you  far away hug
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #323 - July 14, 2014, 05:29 PM


    Why do you have the need to automatically oppose me in anything I say?

    because...... you are making up stories as History of Islam as you go by........

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #324 - July 14, 2014, 05:41 PM

    Quote from: Bigmo
    I said before the question of the origins of the Quran and also the existence of God are matters of FAITH. It is not something that can be proven or calculated. The Quran says that faith is in God's hands.

    So are you saying you have zero convincing arguments as to why we should consider the Qur'an to be divine? If so, do you not see how that harms your case here?
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #325 - July 14, 2014, 06:33 PM

    Don't take any notice of Yezeeve, Bigmo. He's totally crackers  grin12

    Here's a hug for you Bigmo you big cuddly momo you  far away hug

    Aww Hassan is so cute.
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #326 - July 14, 2014, 06:34 PM

    Bigmo let us have a debate between you and Happymurtad. It will be fun. Take the pains to repeat yourself and who knows you may achieve your goal?
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #327 - July 14, 2014, 07:03 PM

    yep you could start a new thread if you felt like it and have a civil discussion without us ranting back and forth Smiley  i would also be interested to hear Bigmo's quranist views again especially on the obvious themes such as hijab, punishments, hellfire etc

    just a thought : )
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #328 - July 15, 2014, 06:46 PM

    Bigmo let us have a debate between you and Happymurtad. It will be fun. Take the pains to repeat yourself and who knows you may achieve your goal?

    Yes I will do so.

    I have to go now. Maybe in a day or two, God willing.

    Just before we do, I am not seeing this as a contest. My main goal is to educate. Quranist Islam is not represented widely in the world. Many people are not aware of it. Most Quranist today are activists because we have to. We are the first generation. Education is very important for us because most people are not aware of who we are and what we believe.

    And I am a mere mortal. I can not answer the impossible like why is there evil and injustices in this world, how do we know God exists, or how do we know if the Quran is divine etc. These are questions beyond my scope or anybody's scope.
  • Koranic Law Versus Shariah Law - two different Islams
     Reply #329 - July 17, 2014, 09:43 AM

    So why do you choose to believe in such things?

    Should have stayed in. Read a book instead.
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