Yea, but some women honestly just don't stop bleeding.
A contraceptive I took once made me bleed for 3 months, and another friend of mine has been on an almost 7 month period so far. In view of the future, for a woman who perhaps hasn't stopped bleeding for 7 months, you would have given up thinking 'I will make it up soon' at that stage thinking it might never end. :/
I don't know. :/
You know though, makes you think, why is it different? why must a woman make up her fasts another time, but not her prayers? why is it ok to go to the mosque during your period for eid, but not for the rest of the year during that time? why is impurity ok one day but not another?
Why am I even asking these questions lol it's not like Islam is ever going to make sense right.

Well my dear Berbie Islam has the answer for it. It was Adam's fault. After coming to earth and having her first period Eve asked Adam to ask God about it. God explained the thing and forbade her from praying during these times. Then when the month of Ramadan came Eve asked her husband to ask God whether she can fast during her menses? But this time Adam, without consulting God, told her not to fast. At this God got angry and ordered Eve to make up the fasts after the period is over. Strange Eve is suffering for Adam's ego and Eve can't do anything without asking the permission of Adam.