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 Topic: I'm a malaysian and I'm done with this religion crap.

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  • I'm a malaysian and I'm done with this religion crap.
     Reply #30 - July 08, 2014, 01:09 AM

    Selamat datang ke CEMB  parrot

    @Doubting Tomas: JAIS are Selangor's providers of religious police (Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor, to give them their full title, or 'Selangor Islamic Affairs Department'). They have a poor reputation, unsurprisingly.

    Ah right, the old morality police, as if their carry on couldn't be any more depraved(irony alert) nothing surprises me about them any more.
    We're talking about a country that has "re-education centres" for those who want to leave the religion. Why it's hailed as proof islam and democracy can go hand in hand baffles me when I consider this.

    I'm not suggesting for one minute it is and seeing as the same ruling party has been in power more or less since the founding of the state(Chinese who voted for different party recently have been labeled traitor with suggestions of punishment being put out there by some) there ain't much democracy either.
  • I'm a malaysian and I'm done with this religion crap.
     Reply #31 - July 08, 2014, 01:28 AM

    here it is with the Malaysian diplomat

    Not sure what to make of this story though, it's really f**ked up but to be fair it's the kind of story that could happen to any country, all it take is one rotten diplomat.
  • I'm a malaysian and I'm done with this religion crap.
     Reply #32 - July 08, 2014, 12:49 PM

    Hi hippiegandhi, I'm a newbie here Smiley
    My heart goes out to you because it's painful to choose between a lovely man and your family. You can get married in Germany in a civil ceremony and get your visa status changed to the spouse of an EU resident but Malaysia will not recognize your marriage. Your partner can come to Malaysia on a visitor visa but cannot stay on a longer term.

    For that to happen, your partner has to convert to Islam and both of you get married in an Islamic nikah ceremony in a recognized place like a mosque, with the imam acting as your legal guardian. This can be done in Germany if you can find the places and supporting paperwork. The marriage can be registered later with Malaysian religious departments although you could be subject to a fine or possible imprisonment (!) for contravening state-level Islamic regulations by marrying outside the country.

    Alternatively, you could bring partner to Malaysia, get him converted at a recognized Islamic body or religious department, then do a nikah ceremony at a mosque. The local religious department might ask for a mountain of paperwork though. Your resulting Islamic marriage certificate will be legally recognized by the Malaysian government for purposes of inheritance, immigration and employment later on.

    Don't ask me how I know all this Wink

    Yes but do you really want to put the poor chap through all this(esp being a non believer yourself). Besides you sound like your still young, why rush into marriage?
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