20:42 <fom>: i liked the whole brotherhood aspect of it when i was younger
20:42 <asbie>: yeah, same here
20:42 <fom>: but then again i grew up in a racist white area so they were my only friends
20:42 <Godot>: then they have the cheek to say secular morality sucks - wtf do you think led you to ignore all the shit in the quran if not secular morality?
20:42 <asbie>: actually still kina d miss that
20:42 <asbie>: :/
20:42 <Godot>: dipshits
20:42 <Godot>: I never liked the brotherhood, found it creepy
20:42 <olweasel>: godot: lol ur so pissed
20:43 <Godot>: kids in school would approach me and only want to be my friend because I was muslim too
20:43 <olweasel>: godot: yh i didnt like it cos i was an introvert
20:43 <Godot>: it's like
20:43 <olweasel>: and not one to conform
20:43 <Godot>: is that all you can bond with someone over? are you that fucking shallow?
20:43 <Godot>: exactly olweasel
20:43 <olweasel>: Godot: xD
20:43 <asbie>: yeah
20:43 <asbie>: whatevs
20:43 <asbie>: kids are dumb anyway
20:43 <asbie>: don't blame em
20:43 <asbie>:

20:43 <fom>: Godot: you sorta get sucked into it as a kid, most of the guys though were just douches though so i kinda dissociated from them naturally overtime
20:43 <Godot>: yeah, I understand that
20:44 <Godot>: in my case, my parents never steered me too close, so it helped
20:44 <Godot>: and I was naturally just turned off by all the circle jerking
20:44 <fom>: now some of them are pushing drugs and bump into them in clubs looool
20:44 <Godot>: oh look, we're better than everyone
20:44 <Godot>: no you're not, most of you are fucking worse
20:44 <Godot>: lol fom
20:44 <olweasel>: Godot: xD
20:45 <Godot>: olweasel:

20:45 <Godot>: I dunno, I smelled bullshit early on
20:45 <fom>: then you have that one kid who suddenly becoems a reborn christian type and grows a fucking beard and becomes a diehard dawahgandist
20:45 <Godot>: oh god yeah
20:45 <Godot>: and pronounces everything the arabic way
20:45 <Godot>: the KURR ANNE
20:45 <fom>: yep lol
20:45 <Godot>: fuck off with that shit, you were eating smokey bacon crisps two days ago
20:46 <Godot>: fucking fool
20:46 <fom>: LOL
20:46 <fom>: exactly
20:46 <Godot>:

20:46 <fom>: some people really just need to come to terms with it
20:46 <olweasel>: Godot: lool