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 Topic: Truth is One and Absolute

 (Read 7726 times)
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  • Truth is One and Absolute
     OP - August 11, 2014, 01:10 PM

    This is my argument, ie. the 'statement propositions':

      P1: Truth is One and Absolute
      P2: Say, "He is Allah , One. Allah, the Absolute" (112:1-2)
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Therefore, Truth is Allah.
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      The Truth is from your Lord (18.29)

    Happy thinking!  parrot
  • Truth is One and Absolute
     Reply #1 - August 11, 2014, 01:14 PM

     Cheesy Cheesy

    See my signature:

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind.
    Stevie Wonder is blind.
    Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Truth is One and Absolute
     Reply #2 - August 11, 2014, 01:17 PM

    Love is not truth. .  Cheesy
  • Truth is One and Absolute
     Reply #3 - August 11, 2014, 01:20 PM

      This is my argument, ie. the 'statement propositions':

       Truth is One and Absolute
        Say, "He is Allah , One. Allah, the Absolute" (112:1-2)
      Therefore, Truth is Allah.
      The Truth is from your Lord (18.29)

      Happy thinking!  parrot

      Well hello muslim atheism., The only thing I like in your post is  Happy thinking! ..

      So yes .. yes  Happy thinking! ..

      Happy thinking!
      Happy shitting
      Happy sleeping
      Happy eating

      and the cycle of running in circles and circular reasoning continues

      "Quran was  sent  by Allah “

      Who said  so?


      Who was Mohammad?

      Prophet of Allah .

      Who said   so ?

      Quran ."

      good to see you back in action muslim atheism[/list]

      Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
      I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
      the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #4 - August 11, 2014, 01:25 PM

      Love is not truth. .  Cheesy

      oh dear.......your circular reasoning has left you dizzy  Afro

      "we can smell traitors and country haters"

      God is Love.
      Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #5 - August 11, 2014, 01:25 PM

      good to see you back in action muslim atheism

      People here cannot accept different opinions . . . the fanatic sectarians.

      Therefore, I just bring the argument that is very clear by itself and with nothing left to say.
      Let see whether people can counter it through valid premises. . .  bye.  popcorn
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #6 - August 11, 2014, 01:30 PM

      People here cannot accept different opinions . . . the fanatic sectarians.

      Hey.. YOU...     there is no Shia-sunni  wall in CEMB..   finmad

      Therefore, I just bring the argument that is very clear by itself and with nothing left to say.
      Let see whether people can counter it through valid premises. . .  bye.  popcorn

      So what is valid premise in your view dear popcorn?   give me an example so I can follow your footsteps..

      Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
      I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
      the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #7 - August 11, 2014, 01:36 PM

      This is my argument, ie. the 'statement propositions':

        P1: Truth is One and Absolute
        P2: Say, "He is Allah , One. Allah, the Absolute" (112:1-2)
        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        Therefore, Truth is Allah.
        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        The Truth is from your Lord (18.29)

      Happy thinking!  parrot

      Why do you feel that salvaging bits of Islamic mythology is so important?
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #8 - August 11, 2014, 01:48 PM

      On truth, we are all going to die.  Why is your assertion about that process any more truthy than anyone elses?  What is so special about your immortality system?

      The Denial of Death and the Practice of Dying
      "The denial of death" is a phrase from Ernest Becker, and the title of his most famous book, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1974. Becker's book focuses on how we human beings develop strategies to fend off awareness of our mortality and vulnerability and to escape into the feeling that we're immortal. "The practice of dying" is a phrase used by Socrates, as recorded by Plato, for describing one aspect of how a person becomes morally mature. Socrates is urging us to face into our mortality and to let an awareness of death purify our motives.

      I think that Becker and Socrates are both on the money. Denying death/or practicing dying are well juxtaposed as two basic responses to our awareness of mortality. So I want here to investigate these two responses and follow out some of their consequences.

      Two Contrasting Orientations
      I'll begin by recapping Becker's main thesis in The Denial of Death.

      As a cultural anthropologist, Becker was searching for explanations of why human society develops in the way that it does, and he was particularly interested in why human society is so violent, why different social groups are so intolerant and hateful of each other. By the time of writing The Denial of Death, his ninth book, he had reached the conclusion that he had found a very important explanatory principle for understanding human behavior and human culture. This principle, summarized with extreme brevity, is as follows. Human beings are mortal, and we know it. Our sense of vulnerability and mortality gives rise to a basic anxiety, even a terror, about our situation. So we devise all sorts of strategies to escape awareness of our mortality and vulnerability, as well as our anxious awareness of it. This psychological denial of death, Becker claims, is one of the most basic drives in individual behavior, and is reflected throughout human culture. Indeed, one of the main functions of culture, according to Becker, is to help us successfully avoid awareness of our mortality. That suppression of awareness plays a crucial role in keeping people functioning--if we were constantly aware of our fragility, of the nothingness we are a split second away from at all times, we'd go nuts. And how does culture perform this crucial function? By making us feel certain that we, or realities we are part of, are permanent, invulnerable, eternal. And in Becker's view, some of the personal and social consequences of this are disastrous.

      First, at the personal level, by ignoring our mortality and vulnerability we build up an unreal sense of self, and we act out of a false sense of who and what we are. Second, as members of society, we tend to identify with one or another "immortality system" (as Becker calls it). That is, we identify with a religious group, or a political group, or engage in some kind of cultural activity, or adopt a certain culturally sanctioned viewpoint, that we invest with ultimate meaning, and to which we ascribe absolute and permanent truth. This inflates us with a sense of invulnerable righteousness. And then, we have to protect ourselves against the exposure of our absolute truth being just one more mortality-denying system among others, which we can only do by insisting that all other absolute truths are false. So we attack and degrade--preferably kill--the adherents of different mortality- denying-absolute-truth systems. So the Protestants kill the Catholics; the Muslims vilify the Christians and vice versa; upholders of the American way of life denounce Communists; the Communist Khmer Rouge slaughters all the intellectuals in Cambodia; the Spanish Inquisition tortures heretics; and all good students of the Enlightenment demonize religion as the source of all evil. The list could go on and on.

      In my view, Ernest Becker was right about this core thesis. I think it is accurate to say that a denial of death pervades human culture, and that it is one of the deepest sources of intolerance, aggression, and human evil. The notion of immortality systems is an especially useful diagnostic tool. It is easy to spot people (including oneself, of course) clinging to absolute truths in the way he describe--and it is not hard to understand why they do. It is not just anxiety over physical vulnerability. It goes deeper than that. We all want out lives to have meaning, and death suggests that life adds up to nothing. People want desperately for their lives to really count, to be finally real. If you think about it, most all of us try to found our identities on something whose meaning seems permanent or enduring: the nation, the race, the revolutionary vision; the timelessness of art, the truths of science, immutable philosophical verities, the law of self-interest, the pursuit of happiness, the law of survival; cosmic energy, the rhythms of nature, the gods, Gaia, the Tao, Brahman, Krishna, Buddha-consciousness, the Torah, Jesus. And all of these, Becker says, function as "immortality systems," because they all promise to connect our lives with what endures, with a meaning that does not perish. So let's accept Becker's thesis: that fear of death and meaninglessness, and a self--deluding denial of mortality, leads many people to these "immortality systems."

      When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

      A.A. Milne,

      "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #9 - August 11, 2014, 01:48 PM

      Dude on your website it says " no god" and " no religion"  then how are you a muslim at all ?

      Guys MA is just a troll.  It's not possible for anyone to be this confused.

      In my opinion a life without curiosity is not a life worth living
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #10 - August 11, 2014, 01:56 PM

      Oh yes it is!  I think we are looking at a new form of cognitive dissonance!  The problem is that it is infectious!

      When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

      A.A. Milne,

      "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #11 - August 11, 2014, 02:23 PM

      Dude on your website it says " no god" and " no religion"  then how are you a muslim at all ?

      Guys MA is just a troll.  It's not possible for anyone to be this confused.

    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #12 - August 11, 2014, 02:51 PM


      Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #13 - August 11, 2014, 02:56 PM

      People here cannot accept different opinions . . . the fanatic sectarians.

      Therefore, I just bring the argument that is very clear by itself and with nothing left to say.
      Let see whether people can counter it through valid premises. . .  bye.  popcorn

      P1) Wankers talk a load of shit.
      P2) Muslim atheist talks a load of shit.

      Therefore, muslim atheist is a wanker who talks a load of shit.


      This is my argument, ie. the 'statement propositions':

        P1: Truth is One and Absolute
        P2: Say, "He is Allah , One. Allah, the Absolute" (112:1-2)
        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        Therefore, Truth is Allah.
        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        The Truth is from your Lord (18.29)

      Happy thinking!  parrot

      Say: 'There is only one Unicorn. The Mighty, the Horny!'

      No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

      Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #14 - August 11, 2014, 03:19 PM

      Ohh, you're back, MA, and with a much neater icon. Grin I do like the change, although I did appreciate seeing your crazy words next to the picture of a dumpy turtle with a stoned expression.

      How's the website going? Any traffic?
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #15 - August 11, 2014, 04:28 PM

      Dude on your website it says " no god" and " no religion"  then how are you a muslim at all ?

      Guys MA is just a troll.  It's not possible for anyone to be this confused.

      Went on his website. Didn't understand anything. The four pillar things were cool though. Fire, water, earth, air. Kinda like avatar. Can anyone explain Muslim atheism?
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #16 - August 11, 2014, 04:30 PM

      Nope. Neither can the OP.
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #17 - August 11, 2014, 04:31 PM

        P1: Truth is One and Absolute
        P2: Say, "He is Allah , One. Allah, the Absolute" (112:1-2)
        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        Therefore, Truth is Allah.
        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      So simple...yet so true. What do you not understand?
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #18 - August 11, 2014, 06:06 PM

        P1: Truth is Infinite and Limitless
        P2: Say, "I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, whose effulgence is the source of the nondifferentiated Brahman mentioned in the Upanisads, being differentiated from the infinity of glories of the mundane universe appears as the indivisible, infinite, limitless, truth."
        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        Therefore, Truth is Govinda.

      Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #19 - August 11, 2014, 06:24 PM

      Why do you feel that salvaging bits of Islamic mythology is so important?

      I'm also curious. Not wanting to lose the cultural and community aspect perhaps?

      `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
       `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
       `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
       `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #20 - August 11, 2014, 06:25 PM

      So simple...yet so true. What do you not understand?

      I understand perfectly I just don't agree.

      `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
       `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
       `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
       `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #21 - August 11, 2014, 06:32 PM

        P1: Truth is Infinite and Limitless
        P2: Say, "I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, whose effulgence is the source of the nondifferentiated Brahman mentioned in the Upanisads, being differentiated from the infinity of glories of the mundane universe appears as the indivisible, infinite, limitless, truth."
        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        Therefore, Truth is Govinda.

      So simple... yet so true. What do you not understand?

      Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #22 - August 11, 2014, 06:38 PM

      Just in case anyone didnt get it, I was being sarcastic

        P1: Truth is One and Absolute
        P2: Say, "He is Allah , One. Allah, the Absolute" (112:1-2)
        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        Therefore, Truth is Allah.
        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      makes no sense at all
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #23 - August 11, 2014, 07:06 PM

      X is/has/does/etc Z
      Y is/has/does/etc Z
      therefore, X is Y

      Above is one of the most fallacious arguments mankind has ever come up with. It disregards all the other aspects, somehow concluding from one similarity that two completely diverse things are the exact same.

      The above argument is much better presented and much more logical as an argument that shows why two things are NOT the same.

      Truth is real
      Allah is NOT real
      therefore, Allah is not truth.

      I could....respect?.... what you're trying to do. I myself am all for twisting the laws of the logic and defying science's grasp on the bounds of reality, but when all you type is gibberish and illogical nonsense, then that just disappoints me more than anyone else.

      أشهد أن لا إله
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #24 - August 11, 2014, 07:21 PM

      I have proved my case, the sectarians understanding of God . . .  Cheesy

      the fanatic sectarians.

      and no matter what religious or non religious label they are. .
      They are sectarians. . and sectarianism is a religion. . .

    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #25 - August 11, 2014, 07:36 PM

      Right...forgot you do that.....

      أشهد أن لا إله
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #26 - August 11, 2014, 10:19 PM

        P1: Truth is Infinite and Limitless

      Therefore, it can never be Truth. . because it is infinite and limitless, speculation and conjecture. .  Cheesy

      by the way .  .I like this cartoon.

    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #27 - August 12, 2014, 06:21 AM

      People here cannot accept different opinions . . . the fanatic sectarians.

      Therefore, I just bring the argument that is very clear by itself and with nothing left to say.
      Let see whether people can counter it through valid premises. . .  bye.  popcorn

      I can accept you have a view, one which I disagree with. To me it seems like you want people to validate your beliefs by accepting them. You may find some people that agree and some that do not.

      As your own sources provided in the previous thread I can reject premises that are false. A argument can be logical valid with false premises. I believe premise 2 is not a statement of fact so the conclusion is in error. I can accept any argument but reject the conclusions on this ground. The argument is unsound.
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #28 - August 12, 2014, 07:49 AM

      Therefore, it can never be Truth. . because it is infinite and limitless, speculation and conjecture. .  Cheesy

      Are you of the mind that there is a limit to what is true in an ever-changing universe? Wow, you think really small. No wonder you worship small Allah.

      Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
    • Truth is One and Absolute
       Reply #29 - August 12, 2014, 08:00 AM


      Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
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