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 Topic: False Prophet's of Islam

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  • False Prophet's of Islam
     OP - August 20, 2014, 03:42 PM

    I always get sidetracked when I do the translation. This time I ended up researching false prophets in Islam lol. There have been quite a few!

    I think this site is a sort of Da'wah to the Baha'is - there is another similar one to the Ahmadiya. It's funny how they use the long list of false prophet's to show that the Baha'i's or Ahmadiya's prophet is false - yet can't make the link themselves and add just one more name to that list Wink

    Musailama al-Kazzab: Among the first false claimants to Prophecy was Musailama al-Kazzab, who appeared during the time of Prophet Mohammed(upon whom be blessings and peace) and his Companions and caused numerous troubles among Muslims and had many followers. He eventually surrendered along with his supporters in Al-Yamam battle, led by the Abu Bakr, and was killed.

    Sajah al-Kahenah: Along with Musailama in falsely claiming Prophethood, was his wife, Sajah al-Kahenah, although she later reversed her position after her husband, Musailama, had been killed.

    Saf son of Sayyad: Another false claimant to Prophethood that appeared during the time of the Prophet and his companions, was Saf son of Sayyad. He claimed he was a Prophet when he was on the threshold of adolescence, and was initially believed to be the false messiah, as his characteristics were the same as those of the false messiah. He later repented and embraced Islam.

    Tulayha son of Khwailid: Tulayha was another of the false Prophets who appeared during the time of the Prophet and his companions, but later repented and returned to the fold of Islam.

    Aswad al-Ansi: Also during the time of the Prophet and his companions was another false Prophet, named Aswad al-Ansi. He was based in Yemen and was killed by the companions of the Prophet.

    Mahmud son of al-Faraj: In Samara, a false Prophet by the name of Mahmud son of al-Faraj appeared in 849-850 CE with a claim that a Quran was revealed to him through the angel Gabriel. He is reported to have some followers in Samara and Baghdad. He was executed on the orders of caliph, al-Mutawakkil.

    Bab: Another false claimant to prophethood, and the predecessor of Bahaullah, was Mizra Ali Muhammad, who initially declared himself the "Bab" (Gate) to the Mahdi, and eventually progressed into other claims. He was embraced by the Shaykhis sect of Shi'a , who were then renamed "Babis". Subsequently, he declared himself to be the Shi'ite's hidden Mahdi. After declaring himself the Mahdi, he moved on to call himself Nuqtiyiula and declared that the Quran and Muslim Shari'a were now abrogated. Shi'a and Sunni scholars condemned him and Bab faced a series of imprisonment, trials, and indignities before being shot dead by a firing squad in 1850.

    Bahaullah: The self-proclaimed successor to the Bab, and another liar/false claimant to prophecy was Mizra Hussein Ali Nuri. In 1863 Hussein Ali, a prominent member of the Babi group, declared himself to be the person whom God will make manifest, whom the Bab had foretold. He also took the name Bahaullah (Glory of God) and formed a new religion, the Bahai faith. Bahaullah was banished from Persia and was eventually imprisoned in Akka-Palestine. There he wrote his main work, his Kitab-ul-Aqdas (Most Holy Book), and developed the doctrine of the Bahai faith into a comprehensive teaching.

    Elijah Muhammad: Elijah Muhammad, succeeding Wallace Dodd Ford, was another in the line of false prophets. He founded the convoluted belief system based on ideas extracted from everything from Christanity to Masonry to Islam in Detroit, Michigan in the 1930s. He referred to it as the "Nation of Islam".

    Kareem Agha Khan: In the early 1970s, another false-claimant to prophecy appeared within the Ismaili sect, who proclaims himself to be a manifestation of God on Earth and a spokesman for Allah.

    Rashid Khalifa: Then we have another false prophet, Rashid Khalifa, who came from Egypt, and claimed there to be an intricate numerical pattern to the Qur'an revolving around the number 19 in 1974. Because of this, he claimed to be a Messenger of God, alongside Prophets Ibraheem (Abraham) and Muhammad, and founded the group called "United Submitters International", rejecting the hadeeths of the Prophet, and denounced ayats 9:128-129 of the Qur'an. For many years he was the Imam at the Tuscon Mosque in Arizona, where he was later stabbed to death in 1990.

    Al Mizra Abbas: Another liar, Al-Mizra Abbas, in 1233 AH/1818 CE, appeared in Tehran, Iran and died in Palestine.

    Shabbatai Zevi: Shabbatai Zevi was one of the False Prophets who appeared during a desperate period of Ashkenazi Jewish history in the 16th and 17th centuries, promising to lead his compatriots out of tzuresdike golus (painful exile) to dwell with the Lord in Eretz Yisroel (the land of Israel). It neither turned out as prophesised, nor did the high hopes of the Jewish colonies in Brazil.

    Saleh son of Tarif Burghwati: Saleh claimed prophethood and Mahdihood in 125 AH. After ruling over his people for 47 years, in 174 AH he abdicated the throne in favour of his son.

    Abu Mansoor 'Eessa: Abu Mansoor 'Eessa claimed prophethood and Mahdihood in 341 AH and ruled over his people for 28 years.

    Al-Harith son of Sa'id: Al-Harith son of Said claimed prophethood during the reign of the Umayyad caliph, Abd al-Malik son of Marwan. A number of royal soldiers were suspected of supporting him. He was executed in 698-699 CE.

    Mizra Ghulam Ahmad: Mizra Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian is a British-engineered false Prophet who appeared in India to quell resistance against the British colonialists. He claimed to be the Messiah as the similitude of Prophet 'Eessa, the Mahdi, a Prophet, a Messenger, and the second advent of Prophet Mohammedsimultaneously. He invited his fiercest oppenent, Molvi Sanaullah Amratsari, to a prayer duel. He advertised his supplication to Allah pleading Him to annihilate the liar amongst the two in the lifetime of the truthful one, by Cholera or by Plague. He considered them to be the sign of Divine Anger and Punishment. Mirza subsequently died of cholera a year later.

    Mohammedson of Sa'id: Mohammedson of Sa’id is considered as one of the four infamous forgers of hadith. He distorted the hadith: "I am the seal of prophets and there is no prophet after me" by adding: "unless Allah wills {otherwise}". He is reported to have drawn his own conclusions from this addition and claimed prophethood for himself. He was executed on the orders of Abbasid caliph, Abu Jafar al-Mansoor.

    Mahmood MohammedTaha: Mahmood MohammedTaha was also a false claimant to prophecy who was based in Sudan, and he tried with maximum endeavor to mislead normal people from their Islamic way of life until he was beheaded in 1985.

    Jasmin: A more recent individual who has appeared, and could potentially be a false claimant to prophethood is Jasmin. He appeared in 1998 in Bosnia, claiming the War of Bosnia and Herzegovina was the Battle of Armageddon, and claims that he is the Messiah, tasked by God to introduce the human community into the "golden age", and claims that his destiny has been described under the symbol and notion of a lamb.

    Dr. Dwight York: Another fairly recent false claimant to prophecy was Dr. York. In the late 1960s York, started calling himself "Amunnnubi Rooakhptah," and founded various quasi-Muslim black-nationalist movements (among these was the Ansaarullah Community) based on something called the "Science of Nuwaubu". In the 1990s, he changed his community from worshipping Allah to worshipping pagan idols. Soon thereafter, he claimed to receive divine revelation, forming his own cult of Nuwaubians, following, what they call, "The Holy Tablets", with beliefs, based on pantheism, with an anthropomorphic view of Allah. In 2002, he was arrested and charged with child molestation. In 2004, he was convicted, and sentenced to 135 years in prison.

    Riyaz Ahmad Gohar Shahi: Another claimant to Mahdihood and prophecy, is Gohar Shahi. He was born in 1941 in the Indian sub-continent. He had a traditional Sufi upbringing, and at age 34 he went on a 3 year spiritual retreat (which he says to have been under the guidance of a "divine spirit") into the mountains of Sehwan Sharif. Afterwards, he returned (claiming it to have been commanded by God), and started to preach his message of "Remembrance and Love of God", disregarding religion and its practices, also claiming that his image is implanted on the moon, gaining a significant number of followers. The Ulema have since issued various fatwas against him.

    So as you can see, the situation is clear. There were many false prophets who came after Mohammed(pbuh). There is nothing to show that the Bahai Faith stands out from any other false religion.

    In fact, Musaylima the Liar, the first false prophet after Prophet Muhammad, actually had a lot of following and he also had some poetry that he called revelation, and people recited it. People even fought battles to keep Musaylima alive, until they lost of course. Even with all these criterias, Musaylima wasn't a prophet! It would have to take more,much more to be a prophet from God.

    Isn't this similar to Bahaullah religion? There were books thought to be revelation by its followers, there was a following (somewhat), there was an uprising but failed. As all this wasn't the criteria of a true prophet, isn't it?

    The first criteria of a true prophet is appointment by God. And there will be no other appointments as such after Prophet Mohammed(pbuh).

    The second is his character, and for anyone to be a prophet after Mohammed(pbuh), he must beat the Prophet's character.

    Thirdly, he must have a book from Allah. The miracle isn't that a book exists, but rather in the book there is evidence that it is from Allah. Simple queen's english won't cut it. It has to have substance, not like Kitab-i-Eqan or Aqdas.

    Fourthly, there must be reports of miracles from that person equalling Muhammad's (pbuh) miracles or more. Simply writing a book and saying it is revelation is NOT a miracle.

    Fourthly, monotheism must be the priority of a religion or revelation brought by a prophet. So when Shogi Effendi, the so called Guardian of the Bahai Faith advised Bahai's to pray to Bahaullah, it is instantaneously against monotheism and teaches idol worship.

    Fifthly, the teachings and revelations cannot have contradictions. For example, saying that God is Truthful and Keeper of promises, but then say that God broke his promise to Noah about the hour of the flood (Kitab-i-Eqan). Isn't it contradictory? or that Men and Women are equal but yet women cannot serve on the highest council in the Bahai Faith called the Universal House of Justice?

    Sixthly, the revelation has to be completed. An incomplete revelation is a clear sign of false prophecy, for example, Bahaullah says that it is obligatory for Bahais to pay zakat and that measure of calculating the Zakat would be revealed soon, then Bahaullah dies without the measure being revelaed, leaving the Bahai Faith hanging incompleted.

    I hope the reader can judge for one's self and see clearly that the Bahai Faith can never suffice as a true religion from God. It has too many traits of a deviant cult. So friends beware of the Bahai Faith, and know that there is no religion or prophet after Mohammed(pbuh).
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #1 - August 20, 2014, 03:46 PM

    Mind you, they missed a few. The Fatimid Caliph and self proclaimed incarnation of God, Hakim Bi Amrillah, comes to mind. It is due to him that we have the Druze religion today. Named after a Fatimad missionary who preached that ol' Hakim was an incarnation of God.
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #2 - August 20, 2014, 03:49 PM

    It seems so strange to me now, the idea of honestly believing some random human being is a prophet of God.
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #3 - August 20, 2014, 03:59 PM

    Yes. When I read about each claimant I can't help thinking; "How stupid people are!!??" - but then I remember I was one of those stupid people lol  grin12
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #4 - August 20, 2014, 04:02 PM

    Their ain't nowt wrong in being stupid, just it is very stupid to not counteract that stupidity. You did Abu Ali so all is good and you are therefore an intelligent person.

    All I can say is that Allah insh's that people will be stupid and says mash-les-idiotes cause he loves the blind ass wiping!
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #5 - August 20, 2014, 04:13 PM

    Rashad Khalifa could have been more influential if he hadn't declared himself prophet (or was it messenger) and removed 2 verses from the Quran. Whenever people talk about reforming Islam, they very often think that the greatest obstacle towards liberal Islam is the Quran, when it's the hadith that is the source for the most horrible abuses of human rights, and it's the hadith which tilts the Quran even more in that direction.
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #6 - August 20, 2014, 04:17 PM

    Thing is without the hadith many things I believe like prayer and the like are nowhere to be found so Islam becomes a skeleton ideology.
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #7 - August 20, 2014, 04:26 PM

    The quranists usually argue that there is enough in the quran to know how to pray. They also say that the form of prayer wasn't new to Islam and that it could be argued that the hadith itself isn't enough.

    Technically, muslims wouldn't have to throw out all the hadith. They could say that Bukhari&Muslim are not reliable sources, and all of a sudden, you could have muslims questioning every hadith that disturbs their moral intuition. Thats why alot of critics of Islam are not focusing enough on contradiction and scientific errors in the hadiths/ahadith.
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #8 - August 20, 2014, 04:28 PM

    Their ain't nowt wrong in being stupid, just it is very stupid to not counteract that stupidity. You did Abu Ali so all is good and you are therefore an intelligent person.

    You get a hug for that, Lily hugs

    Actually, in truth, there are an awful lot of very intelligent people who believe in religion. It's because religion bypasses reason and logic and gets 'em while their young, goes for the emotions and weaknesses we have that gives religion it's success lol
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #9 - August 20, 2014, 04:31 PM

    Also Abu Ali when priests and the like target people for conversion at funerals of loved ones when they are at their most vulnerable.

    Used to go to the Chaplaincy at my old uni and some of the chaplains their had a look of glee when they had a funeral to conduct and said things to the effect of 'it is a great time to spread the word so more get saved'. How fucked up is that? Woohoo, your in pain, take our specific brand of spiritual healing!
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #10 - August 20, 2014, 04:36 PM

    Rashad Khalifa could have been more influential if he hadn't declared himself prophet (or was it messenger) and removed 2 verses from the Quran. Whenever people talk about reforming Islam, they very often think that the greatest obstacle towards liberal Islam is the Quran, when it's the hadith that is the source for the most horrible abuses of human rights, and it's the hadith which tilts the Quran even more in that direction.

    True, though Quranists tend to be really cultish and surprisingly closed-minded. If you ever want to see what they are like, visit a forum called Free-Minds (lol... that title makes me giggle every time). For supposedly "liberal" Muslims they can be really narrow-minded. But worse than that they seem very whacky too. I think it takes a great deal of cognitive dissonance to maintain a Qur'anist perspective and as such they tend to be a bit nutty lol
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #11 - August 20, 2014, 04:41 PM

    The quranists usually argue that there is enough in the quran to know how to pray. They also say that the form of prayer wasn't new to Islam and that it could be argued that the hadith itself isn't enough.

    Technically, muslims wouldn't have to throw out all the hadith. They could say that Bukhari&Muslim are not reliable sources, and all of a sudden, you could have muslims questioning every hadith that disturbs their moral intuition. Thats why alot of critics of Islam are not focusing enough on contradiction and scientific errors in the hadiths/ahadith.

    There is still a "Hell" of nasty stuff in the Qur'an - which Qur'anists just ignore.

    Personally I don't think it will ever be a route for Muslims to moderate.

    Hadith is only a small part of the problem. A great many Muslims already pick and choose what hadith they lfollow or reject.

    It's the Quran that's the real problem. The basic dichotomy of believer unbeliever, eternal hell eternal paradise etc...
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #12 - August 20, 2014, 04:44 PM

    Also Abu Ali when priests and the like target people for conversion at funerals of loved ones when they are at their most vulnerable.

    Used to go to the Chaplaincy at my old uni and some of the chaplains their had a look of glee when they had a funeral to conduct and said things to the effect of 'it is a great time to spread the word so more get saved'. How fucked up is that? Woohoo, your in pain, take our specific brand of spiritual healing!

    Oh yes, dawaghandists too will not miss an opportunity to preach to someone when they are down.

    "The reason you feel bad/your life is a mess... is that you have left the path of God blah blah blah..."
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #13 - August 20, 2014, 04:54 PM

    I think that Islam without hadith(or strong reliance on Bukhari/Muslim) would be closer to the Islam of the quranists more so than anything. The quranists still have big problems, but the minefield they have to deal with when it comes to the law, is much smaller. Even though they have to do mental gymnastics, they don't have to do it to the level of those who believe in hadith.
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #14 - August 21, 2014, 01:07 PM

    ALL prophets in general are false.

    The existence of prophets would make falsify God's title of omnipotency, as it implies that God isn't powerful enough to communicate with all Humans.

    Further more, an omniscient God would've known that not every human would believe in that one human-prophet.

    Thus, the concept of Prophets is simply bullsnap  grin12 piggy
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #15 - August 21, 2014, 02:09 PM

    It seems so strange to me now, the idea of honestly believing some random human being is a prophet of God.


    I'd be willing to bet if you were to take educated minded muslims and transport them into the 7th century to muhammad's time and showed them muhammad in person they would definitely reject him as a prophet.     

    Muslims have built up this image of Muhammad an a benevolent, out of this world infallible human being that if they were to see him in person they would be in for a hug disappointment.

    In my opinion a life without curiosity is not a life worth living
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #16 - August 22, 2014, 05:57 AM

    The existence of prophets would make falsify God's title of omnipotency, as it implies that God isn't powerful enough to communicate with all Humans.

    Same is the case with Angels.

    Btw. these Prophets are a blessing to the cause of the skeptic! they show that all/most religions suffer from similar logical gaps that are easy to exploit. I often marvel at how easy it was for folks like Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to fool people, including some very bright individuals like Dr. Abdus Salam , without possessing a shred of scientific knowledge and philosophical prowess. I guess the wahi snake-oil is the hottest sell in God's racket after all!
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #17 - August 22, 2014, 06:08 AM

    Same is the case with Angels.

    Btw. these Prophets are a blessing to the cause of the skeptic! they show that all/most religions suffer from similar logical gaps that are easy to exploit. I often marvel at how easy it was for folks like Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to fool people, including some very bright individuals like Dr. Abdus Salam , without possessing a shred of scientific knowledge and philosophical prowess. I guess the wahi snake-oil is the hottest sell in God's racket after all!

    hello NeoApostate., how are you doing??    I have not read you much so greetings and my good wishes to you.   I disagree with you on that  Dr. Abdus Salam,  Because I know a lot about Dr. Abdus Salam,  and I wrote many posts on him

    any ways I am glad you joined CEMB

    with best wishes

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #18 - August 22, 2014, 03:55 PM

    Thanks yeezevee
    I just feel that the passivity of some of these bright minds in face of obvious charlatanry (of their cult leaders) is very disheartening. I mean who but a closet-apologist would like to give a Nobel acceptance speech peppered with a verse from Quran? I mean give me a break! To me Mormons and Ahmadis should be held to a higher standard of scrutiny than traditional Christians or muslims, since Joseph Smith and Mirza are 19th century personalities, not some historical fictions from millennia ago..
  • False Prophet's of Islam
     Reply #19 - August 22, 2014, 05:05 PM

    Thanks yeezevee
    I just feel that the passivity of some of these bright minds in face of obvious charlatanry (of their cult leaders) is very disheartening. I mean who but a closet-apologist would like to give a Nobel acceptance speech peppered with a verse from Quran? I mean give me a break!

     Cheesy..... Cheesy  I will give you the break NeoApostate and  i know dr. Abdus Salam quoted these words

    "Thou seest not, in the creation of the All-merciful any imperfection, Return thy gaze, seest thou any fissure. Then Return thy gaze, again and again. Thy gaze, Comes back to thee dazzled, aweary."

    but do you know where he got that translation  and what verse??  Anyway.,  He was hardly a Muslim., Just a cultural Muslim guy ., He grew up in a  period of subcontinent that was bit religious  and may be bit carried away to show  that world that he was a Muslim and   Punjabi Pakistani .. But that guy used to drink every day  Cheesy

    It is funny some Ahmadi  Muslim RASCAL deleted the words of Prof. Weinberg..  But I will not hold Dr. Abdus Salam  for his superficial Islam and will not describe the way you did., I am sure if he was alive we could have easily discussed on subject like  what is wrong in Quran and what is wrong with Islam...

    To me Mormons and Ahmadis should be held to a higher standard of scrutiny than traditional Christians or muslims, since Joseph Smith and Mirza are 19th century personalities, not some historical fictions from millennia ago..

    well you have point there and you have the right to hit them hard..

    anyway please continue ..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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