How popular is this mosque. Is it one that gets shunned by mainstream Muslims?
Mainstream Muslims in Denmark don't go to mosques
We have somewhere around 250.000 "Muslims" here but the actual practicing ones are a fraction of that. I have no idea how many. Some say it is about half of them. Another guy who is actually a chairman for a mosque says it is more like only 10%.
I know that Muslim families in the area are shunning it now because of its extremism. However youths associated with the mosque have been very good at recruiting other youths without the parents' knowledge. Hopefully that has changed now that there is more focus on the mosque in the local communities and by the authorities.
The Facebook-page "Yes to the mosque in Grimhøjvej" (sic) has 2216 likes.
It is not unheard of 2nd or even 3rd generation immigrants being way more religious than their parents and grand parents. Ahmed Akkari - the Danish ex-imam who played a key role in stirring up international outrage on the Muhammad drawings - has told that his Palestinian father was terrified when he found out he was becoming more religious in his teens.
So unfortunately that mosque will have its followers and many more silent sympathisers around the country. For many probably as a part of counter-culture.
Note that an imam in the mosque hasn't been caught calling for Jihad in Iraq or Syria and several people who have gone there for years say they haven't heard anything like that. However it seems like things happen when people start to frequent the mosque, likely outside of prayer time...
All this or course wouldn't happen if it wasn't because of the scriptures of Islam :bang head:
Who is doing that?
I have seen it here and there but one particular group called "NEJ - til kriminelle indvandrere" ("NO - to criminal immigrants") really attracted the worst of the worst. It has just - finally! - been closed down by Facebook.
And this is one of the reasons why the Islamists have to be opposed and defeated. Their fascism feeds nationalist fascism.
If the Left could understand that in fighting Islamist fascism it is fighting Danish / Nationalist fascism, it might wake them up
The nationalist fascists don't care about what "the Left" (I wonder if we actually have any - hum - left) say. They will continue their crusade against anything remotely Muslim. I fear the only way to beat them at that game is to be even worse. So it is better to change the game. However if a politician even engages in dialogue with people from our minorities that also feed the right-wingers' hate propaganda.