.....yes, i left orthodox Islam, but i still identify as Muslim,.......
.....I have a vague belief that there is something out there, maybe it is a wishful thinking, ......
.... i don't believe it has a divine origin or infallible but a cultural product of the 7th century Arabia. ...
....I don't know much about Historical Muhammed, I don't take seriously the traditional Islamic narrative, .....
But i do celebrate the Islamic Holidays, I do fast, I do sometimes pray, and when i die, I wish to be buried as a Muslim.
Let me rewrite hatoush .....
"I am a Muslim., I respect all people and my philosophy is "Be good do good and follow golden rule" "I don't care what is in Quran, I don't care who Muhammad was, I don't care what Islamic preachers preach and I don't care what some Muslims do in the name of Islam.. I am
"Be Myself Muslim""..... .. hatoush..
Muslims for Progressive Values (MPV) is a non-governmental organization that advocates for egalitarian expressions of Islam, for women, and for LGBTQI rights. MPV does this by creating inclusive spaces for religious discourse, the arts and social activism.
In a world that has been plagued by terror and Islamophobia, MPV seeks to counter radicalization, hate and misunderstanding of Islam by fostering intercultural and interfaith dialogue on a global platform. MPV is guided by ten principles, namely:
1. Collective identity
2. Equality
3. The separation of religious and state authorities
4. Freedom of speech
5. Universal human rights
6. Gender equality
7. LGBTQI inclusion
8. Critical analysis and interpretation
9. Compassion
10. Diversity
Based on these principles, MPV carries out grassroots activities, including interfaith marriages, same-sex marriages, female-led prayers and the provision of avant-garde educational materials, through its local chapters in the US, namely in Atlanta, Columbus, Washington DC, Chicago, New York and Los Angeles, and in Australia, Canada, Chile, France and Malaysia. These activities serve to promote the mission and values of MPV at the local level. On a global level, MPV carries out activities geared at advocating against human rights abuses carried out in the name of Islam in Muslim-majority states. MPV particularly monitors human rights issues in Muslim-majority countries related to women’s rights, LGBTQI rights, freedom of and from religion and freedom of expression.
The main focus of MPV’s work is to stimulate critical thinking of sacred texts and to promote the implementation of progressive values, such as human rights, gender equality, freedom of expression, and freedom of and from religion and belief.
well that sounds good to me..