on page 306 of that link Mehdy Shaddel writes
...The first reference, albeit very tangential, to the hijra as the starting point of Muslim chronology also comes from a brief Syriac chron-icle composed upon the death of the Umayyad caliph Yazīd II ibn ʿAbd al-Ma-lik (105 AH/724 CE).
This chronicle, which evidently draws on a Muslim source, introduces itself as...a notice of the life of Muḥammad, the messenger (r[asūl]ā) of God, after he had entered his city and before he entered it three months, from his first year; and how long each king who subsequently arose over the Muslims (mhaggrāyē ) lived once they had come to power ..
This chronicle equally treats Muḥammad as a “king”, but appears to associate the beginning of his reign with his emigration to “his city” – Medina, known in Arabic as madīnat al-nabī , or the “Prophet’s City”......
thank you for that link dear Mahgraye., well I casually read through that publication., So that chronicle which is in italics above .. Mehdy Shaddel and even others takes that and concludes
This chronicle equally treats Muḥammad as a “king”, but appears to associate the beginning of his reign with his emigration to “his city” – Medina
and I say that is NOT necessary and it is pure assumption and it has no hint of
"Muhammad " The Alleged Prophet of Islam and his migration to the present Saudi Arabia city
"Madina" in it..