Mahgraye: How many here agree with Markus Gross that the Arabic Allāh is borrowed from the West Syriac Alāhā? If you disagree, what is then your own explanation for the origin of the word in question?
I don't think anyone disagrees with that but by saying that.,
are you also saying part Quranic verses also come from West Syria?? and what is west Syria?? Lebanon and Israel??
Then west Syriac folks must have borrowed that word from other place.. Allāh is a Arabic word for god in the middle east much before Islam and much before NT Christianity... and that must have come from that root word which may have come from Hebrew and/or Aramaic
.........The word is thought to be derived by contraction from al-ilāh, which means "the god", and is related to El and Elah, the Hebrew and Aramaic words for God...
well why Markus Gross?? people said that before the birth of Markus Gross..... lol.. So you said about Quran
Only parts, not in full. I may have listened to it in its entirety. But I do read it every now and then. I will probably start to read again soon. Not that long ago I finished the second chapter (reading it from the beginning).
That is stunning .. you have NOT read Quran but you have heard all 114 chapters., How did you do that? did you attend a Mosque classes where imams/mullahs teach Quran for students?? .. beat kids for memorizing nonsense