Hmm.. what is happening here., this is one of those folder that has
" EVERYTHING ABOUT ISLAM AND IT HAS NOTHING ABOUT ISLAM "diverse subjects are initiated/ discussed and thrown down the dungeon never to read again
anyways So.. Mahgraye talks about Islam of Mauritania.
Most impressive are children from Shinqit, Mauritania.
Hi Mahgraye do you have any good reason for that., Why Children of that region
"Shinqit, Mauritania" memorize Quran but the Mullahs do not use the brain to understand Quran? It is such a huge country with small population .. Colonial France coupled to
Saud Wahhabi Islam never allowed anything but Slave mentality..
Sorry to say that but that is life .,
Islamic Republic of Mauritania with just some 4 million people and over 25% ~ 1.2 million living in its Capital indeed has
ITS OWN Islamic story to tell this world.. is what did Islam do and what did Islamic preachers do there?? It is OK to sing songs/sonnets and poems but if we do not use brain to analyze what we are reading Memorizing Quran is no use...
.........Another Saudi state-run missionary project that made substantial inroads in Mauritania is the Islamic University of Medina (IUM), established in 1961 to provide fully-funded religious training in Medina to non-Saudi students in the hope that they would then promote Salafi norms in their countries of origin and elsewhere. By the early 2000s, nearly 400 IUM scholarships had been offered to young Mauritanian men and nearly 200 had graduated with university-level qualifications. These numbers are far higher, relative to the size of Mauritania’s population, than the equivalent figures for other major Muslim-majority societies like Indonesia or Egypt....
and that is the reason small group of children from that
region of Islamic Republic of Mauritania memorize Quran .... with bets wishes