This is what I draw.
Therefore, to say the Quran is anti-jewish is just a reflexion of the Mecca/Zam Zam/Medina framework.
I've already responded to that. It is not, suffice to read to text.
I still do not understand what you draw from this.
You should read "The Itinerary of Rabbi Benjamin of Tudela,"
Nope, tell us what he says in substance which grounds what you say here.
No this is not a source.
None Jews built in the Temple Mount. Only (in the 7th. c sources) Sebeos says 1/ they did that, 2/ and why; Sebeos says that in the middle/end of the 8 th c . surely not in the 7th. I think it is sufficient to put aside what he says in what it differs from the others testimonies.
A source state something , e.g. Anastasius of Sinai talk about Arabs as the new Jews.
Nope. It is you who says that,
not Anastasius . He says that the building is a synagogue; he is obliged to says that because he does not know any other type of prayer building and that he knows that the building is not a church. It is then, for him, necessary, a synagogue.
The understanding of what he means is an interpretation because he doesn't give a clear context, and this is what you did with your conclusion of the Arab building on the Temple Mount.
Nope, it is not what I did. All the 7th c. sources gives this information. Except Sebeos one who introduce the Jews, the only one. There is no reason the other 7th c. sources would have missed this ; they are as anti Jewish as Sebeos. Therefore it is Sebeos who lies. Why? simply because he has a well crafted fable to recount about the origin of the emergence of the Arabs.
You have zero source but you give an explanation. You might be right or you might be wrong, who knows.
All the 7th c. sources gives this information. Arabs built, not Jews. It seems to me rather logical to think to Q 2,127 ; it is a Gallez idea. And I think it is a very interesting one, as the Zem Zem frame is totally inexistent to those 637 Arabs , they logically thought (at that time) that the passage was dealing with Jerusalem since the only known Bayt is in Jerusalem and nowhere else. That is why they built.