The building you are refering to didn't exist anymore at the time the Dome of Rock was built.
See Arculf in 670 Arabs would have lost memories about what was before the Dome?
I try to stop smiling...
Yes because they had to find an explanation why muslims built on the Temple Mount.
As if it was a big issue for them; it is for you that it is one, not them... They have accommodated the Isra about that.
According to you (and Gallez), it was based on 2:127 but no muslim scholar never raised that argument ;
Why would they have raised it lol? This Gallez' argument consider that muslim scholar think in the frame Mecca/... as which has happened, and not the real history which have nothing to see with it; muslim scholar are stuck to the all narrative they've earlier built as it is the only one which give an explication to the existence of the Quranic corpus.
if it had existed, people would have remembered it ; therefore, this argument never existed.
You do not get anything. You drink Marc?
Why should they have written "Ka'aba" according to you (according to me they didn't have to ) ?
Because you said it is ("Ka'aba") . Or they did not wrote it. Therefore it is not.
You mean my theory collapses based on the arguments you chosed to prove it right or wrong.
Collapses yes (yawn...)
What is Bayt Allah ? Why Bayt and 2:124-127 perfectly fit specific biblical chapters ?
"Bayt Allah " the Temple of God. And there's only one.