I will just say 3 things to close this ridiculous discussion
"Does it matter?"
For the link between 2.127 and Arabs building something on the Temple Mount, there is ZERO link.
There is one but you cannot see it.
If there was a link, you would :
- provide their goal for them doing this (what do they expect from it),
I've already responded to this the last time (yawn...)
- and show how that goal can be found in 2.127 that you say inspire them
I also don't understand why you quote Gallez who has a totally different explanation for this, on which you don't agree.
He links the building with the verse. In this, he's right. I differ for the rest of its interpretation (of course...) Moreover the nature of the building was not really clear for all (Theophane believed that it was the Temple that Arabs had rebuild (Gallez vol.I, n.803. 1st ed.)
Maybe you have a better case for stating this opinion but, so far, you haven't articulated it so that it does sound possible apart for you.
I consider that the Arabs have build because of the verse where Ishmael build the Arab Temple.As Ishmael is the Father of Arabs according to the all biblical tradition before Islam, therefore the sons of Abraham as well, Arabs in 637 as sons of Abraham and Ishmael felt they were legitimate to do it like their father did it in the Quranic text(s). It is called mimetism;
nihil nove sub sole here.
The source is the Quran
Methodologically it cannot: A source cannot be the studied object
You have to find other sources about your "sectarian disputes" do you have any?
For the moment you have nothing to state here. Intra Jewish disputes? Why not. Bring the sources. And not the personal AJ interpretations of the Talmud... thanks...(yawn...)
Same with Christians on the specific topics the Quran raises...
as it is in there that the word believer is defined. From that definition and other parts of the book, you understand that Christian and Jews are believers.
Early 8th c. (therefore before the tradition) Christian are considered as not believers (yawn...)
Therefore, when the Quran criticize some specific behaviours and/or doctrina items of Jews and Christians, it perfectly fit the concept of intra sectarian disputes.
You did not really read the Quran.
You can disagree but you need to provide solid counter-arguments and a counter-theory, and you have failed to do so.
As I never provided a substantiated counter-theory here, I cannot see where I would have failed
I never implied that you need to link the Mahdi with the Quran. But you did take my question "why is the Mahdi not in the Quran" and you interpreted it your own way without thinking.
- why is the Mahdi absent from the Quran said he.
knowing that I already said here a lot of the Islamic religion is not in the Quran
Of course. But not islamic beliefs...
it is for another reason that you failed to see because your thesis about Islam prevent you to look in a different direction.
Like I aready said (yawn...) I've never provided any thesis about Islam here (or elsewhere...)