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 Topic: Not criticism of Islam

 (Read 14950 times)
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  • Not criticism of Islam
     Reply #60 - May 09, 2015, 12:45 PM

    Several years ago, after having shunned Vlaams Belang, Geert Wilders said that he would form an alliance with Vlaams Belang(an extremist party).
    Belgium's Jewish leadership has boycotted Vlaams Belang, citing its "strong anti-Semitic characteristics,"

    This is what he said in the interview

    However, he added, "we will not ally ourselves with parties like that of France's Jean-Marie Le Pen."

    But then he went and established an alliance with Front National

    "He has always said he will not join up with the extreme right but now this is happening," Dutch News quoted Esther Voet, the director of the Hague-based Center for Information and Documentation on Israel, or CIDI, as saying. "It is a slippery slope."
  • Not criticism of Islam
     Reply #61 - May 09, 2015, 04:59 PM

    The famous blog Little Green Footballs captured a post of an unedited post by Pamela Geller days after Breivik commited the largest masshooting that resulted in death, in Utoya Island, and the largest attack in Norways history since World War ll.

    Pamela Geller Edits Post to Conceal Violent Rhetoric in 'Email from Norway'

    She got the email in 2007 and edited it just days after Breiviks attack.
  • Not criticism of Islam
     Reply #62 - May 09, 2015, 11:25 PM

    Pamela Geller entertains the idea that Obama is a muslim.
    Of course, if Obama believes himself a Muslim, then his prior behavior constituted taqiya-- deception or lies to advance Islam. This he performed brilliantly during his election: He lied with brazen contempt.

  • Not criticism of Islam
     Reply #63 - May 12, 2015, 12:59 PM

    Secularist Zuhdi Jasser accused of taqiyyah by Pamela Geller

    If you missed my hour long interview with Jasser back in 2007 ? listen to it. I exposed Jasser in this seminal radio show ? taqiya and all


    Of course, when he referred to Israel as occupied territory in the last five minutes of the interview, he blew his cover. Further, Jasser refutes Islamic antisemitism in the interview as well. He may be well intentioned, but his approach and theology is just plain unislamic.

    The film is misleading. Makes people think there are a lot of Jassers out there when there really aren't.

  • Not criticism of Islam
     Reply #64 - May 12, 2015, 01:06 PM

    How can you stand to keep listening to these people? Doesn't the sheer stupidity slowly depress you?
  • Not criticism of Islam
     Reply #65 - May 12, 2015, 01:14 PM

    Sometimes I feel like I have too much information to know what to do with it.Im too lazy to run a blog, so I post it here.

    Did you know that Sweden abolished death penalty for blasphemy in 1860s?
  • Not criticism of Islam
     Reply #66 - May 12, 2015, 01:17 PM

    I'd have to be hard up before I'd call anything from Pamela Geller et al. information.

    But I did not! I reckon you're a good partner for trivial pursuit.
  • Not criticism of Islam
     Reply #67 - May 12, 2015, 01:20 PM

    But I did not! I reckon you're a good partner for trivial pursuit.

    Not sure as most of the info is trivial.
  • Not criticism of Islam
     Reply #68 - May 12, 2015, 01:35 PM


    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Not criticism of Islam
     Reply #69 - May 15, 2015, 11:19 AM

    Ali Sina,who once ran what was probably the largest exmuslim site, accused Maajid Nawaz of performing taqiyya in in a post titled ?Peeling Back The Layers of Taqiyya?.This despite the fact that Maajid Nawaz exposed Mohammad Ansar.Its not suprising that very few exmuslims remained on his forum.
    What about Maajid Nawaaz? He had no problem saying some of the teachings of the Quran are morally reprehensible. This is quite a statement for a Muslim. Is he sincere? Maajid is the chairman of Quilliam Foundation, a self-styled organization that claims to counter Islamic extremism.
    He was a recruiter of Hizbul Tahrir, a terrorist organization, and an advocate for Islamic caliphate for 13 years. He says that he was reformed while serving a five years jail sentence in Egypt for his political activities. Now he claims that he rejects extremism and is a moderate Muslim.
    Taqiyah is like an onion. One layer hides another layer, which hides yet another layer and so on and so forth...

    It is unlikely that Maajid and his fellow so called moderate Muslims don?t know this. So how can they call themselves Muslim and reject the clear laws of the Quran? They are playing another layer of taqiyah. Their goal is not to reform Islam, something they know is impossible, but to buy legitimacy and more time for it until they become the majority and take over the world. I sounded the clarion about the danger of Islam 16 years ago, and now I warn you again that these so called moderates are wolves in sheep clothing. Don?t fear the terrorists. Fear the enemy within.

    The story goes on to say how ibn Maslama deceived Ka?b by badmouthing his prophet and when Ka?b trusted him, he and other Muslims, among them Ka?b?s own foster brother who had converted to Islam stabbed him to death.  By denouncing the Quran, Maajid is not doing anything unIslamic. He is taking his deception to a higher level.

    The story goes on to say how ibn Maslama deceived Ka?b by badmouthing his prophet and when Ka?b trusted him, he and other Muslims, among them Ka?b?s own foster brother who had converted to Islam stabbed him to death.  By denouncing the Quran, Maajid is not doing anything unIslamic. He is taking his deception to a higher level.

    The deception has paid off handsomely. Instead of serving time in jail Maajid now shakes hands with George W. Bush and Tony Blair, appears in Bill Maher show and sits next to Richard Dawkins,  is a chairman of a foundation, and has run for MP in UK.  He is far more effective in destroying the western civilization from within, through taqiyah...

  • Not criticism of Islam
     Reply #70 - May 15, 2015, 11:44 AM

    You can read on his website as he continues that he considers Maajid Nawaz more dangerous to the West than those who use violence. He calls him ,as you can see in the quote. the enemy within.
  • Not criticism of Islam
     Reply #71 - December 09, 2015, 01:35 AM

    Geert Wilders endorses Donald Trump.
  • Not criticism of Islam
     Reply #72 - December 09, 2015, 02:41 AM


    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Not criticism of Islam
     Reply #73 - December 10, 2015, 05:02 AM

    Has anyone asked Tommy Robinson how he could join pegida, after leaving EDL because of nazis. The founder and leader of Pegida posts approvingly of Ku Klux Klan while posting a picture of himself in a Hitler mustache .
  • Not criticism of Islam
     Reply #74 - December 10, 2015, 11:22 AM

    Has anyone asked Tommy Robinson how he could join pegida, after leaving EDL because of nazis. The founder and leader of Pegida posts approvingly of Ku Klux Klan while posting a picture of himself in a Hitler mustache .


    According to Bachmann, it was an old photo that was meant as a joke. After the photo had sparked international outrage, Bachmann stepped down as de facto leader of Pegida. According to Bachmann and Pegida co-founder Kathrin Oertel, Bachmann's resignation had nothing to do with the photo.[  A few weeks later, Bachmann was reinstated as a co-leader following a vote. The Sächsische Zeitung later discovered the picture to be a forgery, reporting that a moustache was added after the photo was taken.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Not criticism of Islam
     Reply #75 - December 10, 2015, 02:26 PM

    According to Bachmann, it was an old photo that was meant as a joke. After the photo had sparked international outrage, Bachmann stepped down as de facto leader of Pegida. According to Bachmann and Pegida co-founder Kathrin Oertel, Bachmann's resignation had nothing to do with the photo.[  A few weeks later, Bachmann was reinstated as a co-leader following a vote. The S?chsische Zeitung later discovered the picture to be a forgery, reporting that a moustache was added after the photo was taken.

    Here is wha the  source in the wikipedia link says.
    The S?chsische Zeitung reported last week that the Hitler moustache on the now infamous photo had been added after the photo was taken ? though Bachmann did not mention this when the photo went viral.

    Its Bachmann that says
    ?No one would have believed me at that moment,? he told the Guardian on Monday. ?All the media in the world reported it. On the original photo, I did not have a moustache. Since then, it has been revealed as a forgery, but in that moment, it simply wasn?t possible to refute it, and in order to avoid damage I stepped down ? but only as chairman. I never left the organisation.?

    The source does not say it was edited by someone else other than Bachmann. Was it not posted by Bachmann on his Facebook page? And even if it was a joke, what about

    However, PEGIDA on Wednesday said that Bachmann's real error had been making comments on Facebook - calling asylum seekers in welfare offices "scumbags" and "animals" - rather than the posting of the picture.

    Bachmann himself issued an apology over the nature of those posts. "I am sorry that I have damaged the interests of our movement in this way," said Bachmann. "I sincerely apologize to all citizens who feel offended by my posts," said Bachmann."They were imprudent remarks that I would not make today."

    Bild quoted Bachmann saying he posted the Hitler picture to coincide with the 2012 audiobook release of a satirical book that imagined the dictator coming back to life in modern-day Germany. "One has to be able to make fun of oneself," Bachmann was cited as saying.

    And what about
    Bachmann last week played down a ribald comment made in 2013, that "eco-terrorist" Greens - first and foremost former Green party leader Claudia Roth - should be "summarily executed."

    "In that moment it was wrong," said Bachmann. "I regret I didn't resist my impulsiveness."
  • Not criticism of Islam
     Reply #76 - February 12, 2016, 06:58 PM

    Here are a couple of tweets by Ali Sina, who, for those of you who don't know him, would according to many exmuslims would fit the definition of an anti muslim bigot. In these tweets, Ali Sina shows that he is serious about wanting a woman to be raped. What a disgusting man.

    Earlier, he accused Maajid Nawaz of performing taqiyya, essentially accusing him of deception and being worse than those who use violence. 
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