as we've all heard from muslim apologists, since the Quran and the Hebrew/Christian bibles are often at odds with one another, then the explanation given for the Quran's discrepancy with previous scriptures is that the previous scriptures were corrupted. thus any disagreements the Quran had with the previous scriptures are due to not of the Quran's mistakes, but the corruption of the previous texts.
but is this true? This link
here claims that the idea of the corruption of the text of the Hebrew/Christian bibles only came about 350-400 years after Muhammad's time. they even have a tradition purportedly from Ibn Abbas that no man can change the text.
I find the claim that the author(s) of the Quran believed in the corruption of the previous scriptures to be strange, since in many instances the Quran praised the "Taurat" "Zabur" and "Injil" as light, guidance, "furqan", etc., often without explanation or context that it implies to an original one, and that the ones present at the time of the composition of the Quran is corrupted. If one were to hold the opinion that the author(s) of the Quran believe that the past scriptures were corrupted, then I don't think certain verses of the Quran would make sense, like 10:94: "So if you are in doubt about that which We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you" as if those reading the corrupted Scriptures, with the ideas that Ishmael is a wild ass, Jesus as the Son of God, etc being in them, would validate the message of Islam. also some verses in surah 5, telling Jews and Christians to judge by their books (5:43, 5:47), since it would be strange that "Allah" is made to order Jews and Christians to judge by a corrupt book?
so is the claim that previous scriptures are corrupted Quranic? or non-Quranic?