I think you'll find that the people who get lost on the forum will get lost in the Firefox add-ons section.
Thanks for trying though. I might test these out myself. It would be kinda handy if the AEVC mod did automatically drop the link in quote tags above the actual vid. I'll ask over at the original mod thread. If it's a simple edit and if the mod author doesn't mind I'll have a look at it.
ETA: You've provided two different scripts there. Why is that?
I trust that those who have decided to use Firefox instead of the dreaded Internet Exploder will have enough knowledge to click a button on the add-ons section in order to install Greasemonkey. It's not complicated if you follow the steps I have described.
What language is this AEVC mod written in? I presume it would be very easy to add the code for that little feature.
I've posted two scripts, the first one is new and the second one is an updated version of the script I posted in the original posting. I had problems with the code tag because it somehow screws things up, so unfortunately I had to use normal quote tags... Is it perhaps possible for you to give me privileges for uploading attachments to my postings? I promise I wouldn't abuse it...